Ruairih McNel
Ruairih McNel Human Druid Level 1 Experience: 0 AL: N AC: 6/7 (w/wo shield) HP: 10
Move 90 ft
STR: 16 +1 to hit +2 damage DEX: 13 0 surprise bonus 0 to hit missiles -1 to AC CON: 16 +2 HP INT: 15 4 additional languages WIS: 18 +4 Mental Saving throws bonus spells 2/2/1/1 CHA: 16 Max 8 Henchmen, +20% loyalty +25 reaction bonus
Spells per day 2 + 2 Spells: Shillelagh, Entangle, Speak with animals, Faerie Fire Social class - Upper Middle - family are druids.Secondary skill - Forester. Family - 4th child, married. Money 110gp. Age 22.
Current money 8gp, 5sp, 9cp
Encumbrance: 69.9 lbs
Equipment: Wt cost Carried Club 3 2cp Y Dagger 1 2gp Y Sling 0.5 5sp Y Sling bullet(12) 4 1gp Y Leather Armour 15 5gp Y Medium wooden shield 8 12gp Y Backpack 10 2gp Y Belt pouch large 2 4sp Y Horse, Rouncey - 25gp N Saddle and stirrups 20 10gp N Reins and bridle 5 2gp N 2 large sacks (on horse) 2 30cp N Bedroll 5 2sp Y 10 Candles - 10cp Y 5 Fish hooks - 5sp Y Flint & Steel - 1gp Y Small hammer 2 5sp Y Bullseye lantern 3 12gp Y 3 pints oil 3 3sp Y Linen robe 1 3gp N Needle and thread - 3cp Y 50 ft silk rope 5 10gp Y Waterskin 1 1gp Y 5 days standard rations 10 10gp N 2 days trail rations 2 12gp Y Iron Pot 10 5sp N