Draken Zhad
Drahkan Zhad, Mountain Dwarf Cleric/Fighter of Clanggedin Silverbeard, dwarven god of battle. Age: 290 (-2 Str & Dex, +1 Int & +2 Wis) AL: LG
STR: 13 DEX: 11 CON: 15 INT: 13 WIS: 20 CHA: 7(8)
HP: 10
Weapon Profs: Hand Axe, Double Specialized; Dagger
NWP: Craft: Mining; Craft: Leatherworking (Free from secondary skill?); Running; Survival: Alpine; Teaching; Law & Justice; Mountaineering; Healing
Turn Undead Spells: 1st: (3) CLWx2, Bless
Dwarf abilities: Detect grade or slope in passage, upwards or downwards Detect new construction or passage/tunnel 75% probability
Detect sliding or shifting walls or rooms 66 2/3% probability
Detect traps involving pits, falling blocks and other stonework Determine approximate depth underground 50% probability
Languages: Dwarven, Common, gnome, goblin, kobold, and orcish
+4 vs. poison, wands, staves, rods, and spells.
60' Infravision.
Drahkan lived the life of a normal dwarf until recently. He had been a leatherworker, a master of his craft, and taught it to novices. He had acted as a warrior as all dwarves did, fighting off goblins and kobolds, but had never caught the spark of adventure. But then he heard the calling of a god, as some dwarves his age did. Clanggedin Silverbeard, dwarven god of battle had chosen him to go forth and seek battle and show the honor of the dwarves. Drahkan grumbled a bit, but moved his old bones down the mountain and to the nearest town that looked good for finding adventurers.
Equipment: Scale Mail 45 Small Wooden Shield 1 8 Hand Axes 8 Dagger 2 Iron holy symbol 2
Backpack 2 Tinderbox, Flint & Steel 1 4 Torches .04 1 week iron rations 5 Waterskin .75 14 gp 6sp 1 cp left