The Virgin Expanse Orinoco
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The Orinoco Strain
Magos-Explorator Parvus Orinoco-1 is a mild deviant from the Credo Omnissiah who appreciates the flesh in all its beauty alongside the mechanical perfection of the machine. She was chosen as the Adeptus Mechanicus' sacrifice to the Expanse, reasoning that if she failed, they would lose a troublesome heterodox while if she succeeded, they would quietly recall her and replace her with a more famous Magos. Of course, they haven't reckoned on her... unique approach to problems.
Glory 1600+5d20
Glory this Session
Personal Data
Age: Adult
Homeland: Calaxis Sector
Culture: The Lathes (+3 Con)
Religion: Credo Omnissiah (major heterodox)
Current Class: Magos Explorator
Current Home: (flagship)
16 | 6 | 19 | 19 | 18 |
Dmg | Heal | Move | HP | Unc |
6d6 | 4 | 3 | 35 | 8 |
Distinquishing Features
Hauntingly human looking, piercing eyes, one more
- Chaste 4/16 Lustful
- Energetic 16/4 Lazy
- Forgiving 10/10 Vengeful
- Generous 4/16 Selfish
- Honest 10/10 Deceitful
- Just 10/10 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10/10 Cruel
- Modest 10/10 Proud
- Pious 16/4 Worldly
- Prudent 16/4 Reckless
- Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
- Trusting 10/10 Suspicious
- Valorous 10/10 Cowardly
- Chivalry: XX, No
- Religious: Yes, (+6HP)
Directed Traits
- Obsessed with biology +3
- Loyalty (Admech) 15
- Loyalty (Imperium) 10
- Love (Mad Science) 15
- Hospitality 10
- Honor 10
- Hate (Hereteks) 10
Non-Combat Skills
- Acrobatics 0
- Athletics 3
- Awareness 10
- Barter 3
- Carouse 3
- Commerce 3
- Common Lore 10
- Common Lore 8
- Common Lore (all others) 2
- Contortionist 1
- Charm 10
- Dancing 0
- Deceive 3
- Demolition 5
- Disguise 3
- Flirting 15
- Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) 10
- Forbidden Lore (Warp) 8
- Gamble 3
- Genetor 15
- Inquiry 3
- Intimidate 3
- Hunting 0
- Language
- (Techna-Lingua) 10
- (High Gothic) 8
- (Low Gothic) 8
- (Fleet Cant) 5
- Logic 10
- Navigate 5
- Orate 10
- Perform 0
- Romance 0
- Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) 8
- Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy) 5
- Scrutiny 3
- Search 5
- Security 5
- Sneak 3
- Sleight of Hand 0
- Survival 0
- Tech-Use 15
- Trade
- Explorator 10
- Armorer 10
- Wrangling 0
Special Skill: Genetor includes First Aid, Medicae and Biology
Combat Skills
- Battle 12
- Siege 5
- Captain 5
- Drive 5
- Walker 15
- Flyer 0
- Voidship 2
- Ride 0
- Sword 2
- Axe 8
- Hammer 2
- Spear 13
- Thrown 5
- Brawl 5
- Pistol 5
- Assault 5
- Rifle 0
- Support 0
- Heavy 0
- Artillery 5
- Gunnery 5
Talent Skills
- Augury 10
- Electro 15
- Ferric 15
- Magna 15
- Mechadendrite 10
Arms and Armor
- Voltaic Staff
- Dragonskin Power Armor
Perinetus-Pattern Servo-Harness
- Mechanicus Implants (Grants access to Mechanicus Talent skills)
- Utility Mechadendrite
- Servo Integration coupling
- Master-crafted, Fully Bionic Body (head, torso, four limbs) (+1 to Attributes)
- Enhanced Potentia Coils
- Augmented Brain (calculus logi, logis implants)
Wealth: 10
Family Characteristic:
- 1 Magos Biologis
- 1 Magos Ordinatos
- 1 Magos Errant
- 2 Magi Secutor (knight pilots)
- 4 Lesser Magi
- 2 Techsorcists
- 5 Secutors
- 8 Electropriests
- 14 Lesser Tech-priests
- 1 Baron
- 1 Errant
- 2 Crusaders
- 2 Castellans
- 3 Lancers
Vassals and Armsmen
- 1 platoon Praetorians
- 1 platoon Murder Servitors
- 2 companies Combat Servitors
- 3 companies Skitarii Tech Guard
Other Vehicles
- 1 platoon Leman Russ Main Battle Tanks
- 5 platoons Sentinel Walkers
- 25 Chimera/ Trucks (Chimera exchange 1:2 for trucks)
- 3 Guncutters/Thunderbolts/Chiropteran Scouts
- 10 Drop Pods (may carry a single Knight or a squad, must be retooled for each use.)