Tales of Perpetual Peace/RDDloresheets

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Starting Entanglements

  • Characters may access two District Lores free.
  • Characters may access the Dancing Red Demon Lore (below) free.
  • Characters may access the Vile Rain Cult Legend Lore (below) free; in addition, characters may choose one of the options listed under 'Why You Believe'.
  • Characters may choose one of the options appropriate to their Archetype in the Life in Perpetual Peace Lores.

IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of tnhigs like that?

Vile Rain Cult Legend

Few among the Wulin -- and few more outside it -- think that the Vile Rain Cult is anything but a legend, a bogey used to scare the credulous and the naive. The notion of a corrupt society that practices human sacrifice, cannibalism, demon summoning, and worse(!), all while managing to escape the notice of the Martial Brotherhood at large can't help but appear preposterous. Now, some admit that such a baneful cult might once have existed, perhaps in the chaotic days at the end of the Han dynasty, or more recently perhaps in the Long Winter, but even then it is most often alleged that the so-called Cult was really just a few poor, deluded souls trying to emulate the tales of evil told around campfires.

Yet there are those who do believe -- and not without reason, either.

  • 2+ Status: You are considered to be a Vile Rain Cult Expert; those who believe in its existence seek you out to share knowledge, receive advice, and to listen to their own theories. More than a few are cranks, but occasionally you meet someone with something interesting to say.
  • 2+ Fortune: You have a contact, either in the Wulin or the Imperial Bureaucracy, who believes as you do, and -- while no more informed than you overall -- may be able to provide new information or insight into the Cult.
  • 4+ Fortune: Once per story, you may declare that an NPC knows something of great importance about the existence and/or nature of the Vile Rain Cult, and its connection to the Dancing Red Demon plague. While your Wulin Sage is the ultimate arbiter of what the NPC knows, the information will be of great value.
  • 0/5 Disadvantage: Among the Wulin and the Imperial authorities, you yourself are considered to be a Crank; no matter how strong your evidence, no matter how persuasive your arguments, past experience has led your peers and superiors to consider you prone to wild theories. Take one additional Destiny when your poor reputation causes you trouble.

i agree with you 100% he is a pedophile there is no way arnuod it..he can make all the excuses he wants just like every other pedophile or celebrity..he should be locked away to protect all children regardless of whatever lind of music he makes..he may be just another R.Kelly or OJ Paris money and celebrity are clouding intelligent peoples judgement..which shows on this forum..poor lilttle pathetic lambs..pray something like that will never happened to a loved one