Vampire: The Big Easy
A Vampire game set in Jazz Age New Orleans.
Pardon the mess. We're presently under construction.
Material will be posted shortly.
03 Nov 2012: Char-gen and initial game
Vampire: The Big Easy ––– The Campaign Timeline:A list of our adventures (Under Construction)
Player RPs and Journal entries inserted chronologically. Click on the titles to access the stories.
Player Journals
(Under Construction)
Player Characters
(Under Construction)
Orlando Rosatti
Zephrine Carter
Non-Player Characters
(Under Construction)
Delilah Franklin DeFleur-Prince of the Camerilla
Rene Monde-Caitiff/Anarch leader
Sam Evans-Sabbat Bishop
Other Important Vampires
(Under Construction)
Michael LaSalle King-Head Templar of the Sabbat
Sam Russell-Camerilla seekers of the newly turned
Royal Lelande-Camerilla seekers of the newly turned
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