Welcome to Freedom

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An essay on The Thracian Hegemony

The following is a transcript of the "Introduction to Hegemonic Order" lecture developed by the gate Dawn Eternal. It is intended to be presented via holo-vid to children identified as having potential to further their polity and the Hegemon.

Welcome to the Thracian Hegemony. Welcome to Freedom.


Long ago, humanity could not dream of freedom, for its leaders were too busy dreaming of power. This hubris caused the inevitable and disastrous downfall of the Amaranthan Empire. The sorcerer-kings were replaced by Vampire Princes, demonic patrons, and alien intelligences who erected the Dark Kingdoms on the backs of humanity. The Dark Kingdoms were the natural conclusion to the vicious pursuit of power began by the Amaranthans: sectarian, war, suffering, alienations, and hopelessness reigned supreme. The Dark Kingdoms are known by their Three Failings: Parochialism, Tyranny, and Monstrosity.

The Rise[edit]

The rise of the Thracian Hegemony was a rejection of this social order. There was no revolution creating a new kingdom, as that would merely continue the cycle of oppression. The Hegemony was something new and distinctly, wonderfully human.

The Hegemony began as a set of trade agreements made between the human serfs in several neighboring Dark Kingdoms. Over time, it used its economic power to outflank the domination of the Vampire Princes. One by one, the Vampire Princes left, were bought off, or destroyed. The result were truly free human polities for the first time since the Amaranthan Empire. The Hegemony, however, refused to become a kingdom, but rather the infrastructure to supported all human nations.

What is the Hegemony?[edit]

Technically speaking, the Thracian Hegemony is a transnational civil society that espouses universal principles for humanity and that supports political, economic, and social institutions that compliment those principles. To be clear, the Hegemony is not a government or business. Humanity is incredibly diverse, and it is inevitable that different societies will have different economic and political structures. The Hegemony respects those differences. However, humanity must learn how to best create a universal community, and the Hegemony offers the tools for doing so. The Hegemony serves humanity in all its infinite possibilities. Markets and governments are inevitable and necessary, but they must serve humanity, rather than force humanity to serve them.

The Hegemony it is a network of organizations and institutions dedicated to helping humanity transcend the parochialism, tyranny, and monstrosity. These non-economic, non-governmental organizations are collectively called "strands", formal organizations with specific missions in accordance with the Hegemonic worldview. Some promote particular industries, others general economic growth, or a political concern, a form of government, or any number of countless other matters. However, each combine is defined by an interest it promotes in the name of the Hegemony: humanity shall be free, given a voice, and dynamically integrated.


A common myth among the Hobbled Kingdoms is that the Thracian Hegemony is an amoral, relativistic entity that demands society's reject cherished traditions. This is not true. The Thracian Hegemony promotes a constellation of civic virtues it refers to called "Flowing Humanity." It is also referred to by the acronym CCR, which refers to the three chief virtues: Connectedness, Collectivity, and Humanity.


Fluidity is a goal in and of itself for the Hegemony. Humanity should have the ability to customize its path through this life as much as possible. The requires the freedom to change in self-determined ways, and cosmopolitan access to as many ways to live as possible. This is a rejection of the First Failing of the Dark Kingdoms: parochialism. The Dark Kingdoms were at best isolated and static things that could not handle change without breaking, and they certainly could not grant the people within them the freedom to change and develop as they saw fit.

Polities with a high degree of Connectedness (Cn) are cosmopolitan and diverse. Individuals have the freedom to assemble their lives as they see fit. Work, hobbies, family life, and sexuality are merely different types of thread that can be woven together to make the tapestry of one's life.


Power is to be dispersed through a society. A society is not truly connected if only its elite is fluid, while the masses remain trapped in provinciality. The means for life and self-determination are to be universalized. This is a rejection of the Second Failing of the Dark Kingdoms: Tyrrany. Within the Dark Kingdoms, power was inevitably accumulated in the hands of a few individuals who ruled at a whim with no regard for others, leaving the rest of society cowering in powerless fear. All shall have a voice in the polity and the Hegemon.

Polities with a high degree of Collectivity (Cl) are defined by civil liberties and political institutions that are held accountable by and reactive to the public. Though democratic governance based on voting is most common, at least one polity achieved a reasonable high Cl score through a system of clan elders ruled and governed with the help of advanced telecommunication technologies.


Human beings are living, sentient, and sapient beings. We have the ability to hope and dream and feel empowered, yet we are susceptible to terror, fear, and suffering. Society ought to defend and promote the humanity of its people. This is a rejection of the Third Failing of the Dark Kingdoms: Monstrosity. Inhuman things ruled humanity in those places, and humanity suffered truly unnatural fates as a consequence. Fluidity and Collectivity mean nothing unless we are human and ever becoming more human.

Polities with a high Humanity (H) are defined by a quality of life. A strong social safety net is generally present that ensures the population is healthy, educated, and not impoverished.


It is important for polities to be evaluated in terms of the degree they embody CCH. Consequently, special organizations called gates exist to calculate a given polity's CCHR, or its Connectedness/Collectivity/Humanity Rating. Different gates calculate CCHR in slightly different ways according to their internal methodologies, but the same three core ideals are used across all Gates and polities.

Strands of the Hegemon[edit]

Polities are within the Thracian Hegemony through their connection to, support of, and dependence on Strands, the interrelated non-governmental organizations that form the back bone of the Hegemony. Strands are extremely diverse, though each is organized around a specific mission that somehow promotes an element of CCH or a vision of how CCH is best managed and balanced.

The Gates[edit]

Gates are Strands that approve or accredit a nation as being acceptable for entrance into the Hegemony. Gates periodically re-examine nations both inside and outside the Hegemony to see if their CCHR should be revised. Different Gates have different methods for evaluating a polity. For example, the Combine of Clouds begins its analysis with the indigenous beliefs and ideals of the polity, how they acted upon, and how these ideals may or may not lead toward a higher and more sustainable CCHR. Wellspring, on the otherhand, focuses on the polity's political economy and its consequences on the lower classes as the starting point for its CCHR. Gates are constantly surrounded by ideological conflicts over the best way to operationalize CCHR, and political conflicts over which Gates are assigned to evaluate which polities. A shift to a radically different Gate will have dramatic consequences for a polity.

The Technocrats[edit]

Technocratic Strands are strands that offer assistance to a polity in maintaining the social infrastructure necessary for a high CCHR. Economists to manage fiscal policy, civil engineers to lay out a modern capital, cultural managers to ensure the Hegemony takes notice of a polity's distinctive voice... there are countless Technocrats who endeavor to keep societies running smoothly and peacefully.

Technocratic Strands are most active within new hegemonic territories (as they require the most assistance) and the core of the Hegemony (where the Strands are the state in practice if not in fact). Established yet non-elite polities often have a faction of varying strength that is concerned with maintaining the "distinctiveness" of the polity, and therefore limit the role of Technocrats to a degree. In some cases, this seems to work well. In others, it appears to stunt the development of the polity. Since the Hegemony is generally non-coercive, it does not impose Technocrats on a society, though more than one polity has found itself politically or economically trapped into allowing a greater Technocratic presence.

The Thracian Exchange[edit]

The Thracian Exchange is the central administrative organization of the Hegemony. Once, it was a trading company of human serfs. Then it became an association of merchants, and now it is the lynchpin of the Hegemony. The Thracian Exchange relies on the greatest technologies and magics possible to manage an incredible amount of information to constantly push the Hegemony toward greater CCHR and toward constant expansion. Its leadership, the Brokers, are those who have been selected for a near monastic life of service to the cause. The exchange chooses its own from through all the Strands and polities. The Chief Officer of the Exchange is elected by the Strands every five years, and the COE is served faithfully by the Brokers.


"Polity" is a catchall term for a populated territory that is politically unified. Republics, kingdoms, confederations, clans... the form a polity can take is as variable as humanity.

Dark Kingdoms[edit]

Despite its best efforts, Dark Kingdoms still exist beyond the edges of the Hegemony. There are even some holdouts that manage to withstand the Hegemon despite being geographically surrounded, but it is generally a matter of time before these fall. Finally, while it is a rare and horrible event, there have been cases of a polity being retaken by the Night.

Hobbled Polities[edit]

Hobbled Kingdoms are human polities that are free of Dark Masters, but who are not yet ready to join the Hegemony. They are violent, superstitious, and backward. The Hegemony targets those Hobbled Kingdoms it believes it can help, giving them the opportunity to improve until they achieve a minimum CCHR to enter the Hegemony.

Hegemonic Polities[edit]

Hegemonic polities are those that are within the web of the Hegemon and its organizations. They benefit from the vast opportunities for trade, cultural exchange, and political assistance.

Polities and the Hegemony[edit]

The Thracian Hegemony is dedicated to uniting humanity. However, we do not wish to do so through a single government - that would be a foolhardy goal to strive toward, and only an Amaranthan could believe that solidifying and concentrating power in such a fashion would be the right path.

The Hegemony has learned another, demonstrably better way. Humanity is unified through the ideals of human community, and we believe that CCH is the greatest hope for uniting humanity in a way that guarantees constant improvement of all human beings and institutions. When a society achieves a high degree of CCH, its citizens demand and have the ability to sustain an effective society.

Not all economic and political forms are compatible with CCH. And while some polities may have an attachment to these traditions, they cannot be sustainable in the long run in their current form. All traditions can be transformed and improved to embody CCH. The reason for this is that all traditions will always have a spark of true humanity within them. The challenge is to find that spark, and refashion tradition around it. This will of course require some dramatic changes, and it is never easy, but the countless polities within the Hegemony can all give clear testimony regarding the value of this change. Your polity can always become more fluid, and in doing so become more human. Let us show you how.


Thrace is the sacred city, the wellspring of the Hegemony. It is a small island city, it is a city of wonders and only the greatest paragons of CCH and the flowing virtues may live here, as the entire populace is dedicated to maintaining the Thracian Exchange.


There is a paradox regarding the virtue of collectivity. Many of the things the Hegemony cares about ("The people", democracy, humaneness) do not have a voice because they are an abstraction. This is a problem, because a silent ideal is rarely a compelling one. There is, consequently, a need for individuals that the Hegemony call heroes. Heroes embody the abstractions the Hegemony holds dear. The galvanize public opinion and demand attention in a personal way, while the Technocrats do the impersonal policy work. The Hegemony has learned that despite its idealization of collectivity, it needs its heroes. At the same time, it constantly worries that its heroes will fall into Amaranthan hubris, and more than one hero has.

“Hero” is a generic term for individuals who, through whatever means, have amassed a great deal of power attached to their person and personality. Some have powered armor. Some are wizards. Some are even genetically modified. All, however, are spectacular: powerful in a way that demands attention. Individuals of great and unique power are a solution to specific problems. In the high media society of the Hegemony, the fame a singular personality can create is an immensely powerful thing. Additionally, in a world of sufficiently advanced technology and magic, there are situations where a single individual of great power is a better weapon than an army.


Magistrates are heroes associated with a particular nation’s government. For example, the Free City of Ion retains the Maul of Comets to defend their city from whatever demonic monsters come its way. Sometimes a strand is contracted to maintain or create a Magistrate. Other times they are purely an embodiment of nationalism to the exclusion of strands. Additionally, different nations have attempted to balance this tension with various political institutions. One nation may have a select group of magistrates with life-long terms selected by its parliament. In another, they are the cream of the military, given a chance to become more than human in the name of the nation. One nation is even ruled by an aristocracy of genetically enhanced humans who form various political parties which are then elected by the voting normal population. Magistrates generally have a “built in audience” in their homeland. Simply by representing the nation, they are worthy of adoration.


Champions are a public face of a Strand. Champions are, if anything, even more diverse than the Magistrates. All champions are defined in part by two questions: what is the thread of their Combine, and how much autonomy they have from the Combine. Some Champions are nothing but agents of the Combine, others are part-time agents, and part-time supporters of the public good (often in the name of good public relations). The popularity of a Champion varies widely depending on what its Combine’s interests are. Jessica the Windguilder is attached to the OVDA, the Outer Valley Development Authority, a Combine organized to re-populate and develop a region decimated by the Dark Kingdoms.

Other Heroes[edit]

Eccentric heroes, are those who embody a personal agenda. Lord Rail funds his personal vendetta against the Dark through the spoils of war. Brother Break, on the other hand, primarily makes draws his wealth from his exclusive sponsorship deals and his regular video specials. There are even a few, like Faithful William, who scrape together enough resources through amassing Hegemonic development grants.

Freelance Heroes are effectively mercenaries. There are very few truly powerful freelancers, as the Hegemony is eager to ensure the powerful embody something in the eyes of the public. Nevertheless, there are times when a small group of lesser and expendable heroes are a better option than either a single Champion or a military unit.