Ledaal Anothis

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A Character in House of Bells.


Concept: Shy, detached savant
Aspect: Water
Anima Banner: Inky black clouds of water begin to cover his face and body




Character Sheet

Essence Die: d6


Compassion: d6
Conviction: d8
Temperance: d10
Valor: d6


[D8 or D4+1E]

Still Waters Running Deep (Water)

Mind Like a Diamond, Hard and Brilliant

Austere and Detached



Martial Arts (As Though Every Move Was Planned Years in Advance): d8

Investigation (How Could He Know That About Me?): d10

Lore (War): d8

Awareness (Spooky-Intense Observation): d8

War (Strategic Prodigy): d10

Melee (A Swordfight is Just a Short, One-Man Campaign): d8

Presence (Makes People Uneasy): d6


Artifact (The War Room): d6

Family (Mother a Noted Sorcerer): d8

Reputation (I Heard He Beat Cathak Garel at Gateway): d6



War Excellency: d8

Investigate Excellency: d8


Elemental Concentration Trance: You may absorb a week's worth of research material in a single day.

Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings: Allies are not harmed by your elemental anima.

Tireless Footfalls Cadence: When you call out a rhythmic pattern such as a song or chant, soldiers under your command are able to easier resist fatigue.

Scent-of-Crime Method: Gain a D6 on any roll used to determine someone's guilt.

Falsehood Unearthing Attitude: Spend 1E and target an individual. For the rest of the scene, if the target lies to you, you'll know instantly.

Tampering Detection Technique: You may instantly know if a single object has been tampered and the changes made to it within the past year.


The War Room

Given to him by his mother, the War Room is a conceptual space, somewhat akin to a memory palace. Anothis first needs to compose himself in the lotus position. He then enters into a kind of trance, in which he enters the War Room –actually an infinitely extendable mental stronghold –stairs, doorways, passages, bridges, going on forever. As with a normal memory palace, Anothis can store things he wishes to remember here and can sometimes draw new and startling insights from the details of their arrangement here.

However, Anothis can also set events in motion in the War Room, and observe how they play. For instance, if trying to predict the outcome of a battle, Anothis could set representations of the terrain and the respective troop numbers in the War Room and observe the results. Of course, this is dependent on the quality of Anothis’ information and his own strategic insight (his mind is the ‘programming power’ behind the War Room), so it can’t provide him with answers that he couldn’t work out himself eventually. However, the War Room is much quicker and extremely reliable.


