The Vorpal Sword Went Snicker Snack Scathan

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Homeworld of the Vorpal Swords Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.


A pirate haven in the best of times, but since the death of the Governor his heirs have broken into competing factions and the valuable Stormfront passage is now largely unsupervised while the system fleet has become a tool of the pretenders to the throne. More and more unsavory characters gather every week to exploit the discord, and many of them come in armed Voidships.

Notable Features

Transfer Station Alpha

The main docking station above Pollcoinin proper. It is locked in synchronous orbit above the governor's palace and controls all trade to and from the planet. Controlled by House Genrigh

The Overlook

The closest structure to the Stormlands passage. All ships entering or leaving the passage must pass under the guns of the Overlook. Controlled by the the Crimson Conglomerate.

Pollcoinin Yon

The fourth planet in the system is home to the fabrication centers. In time it may well become a true Forge World, but for now its main purpose is to construct agricultural machinery.

Controlling Factions

House Genrigh

The rightful heirs. House Genrigh is headed by Valaria Genrigh, the niece of the late Fallon Genrigh. The House commands the majority of the system ships and system-wide defenses and all but three of the orbital stations above Pollcoinin itself.

The Crimson Conglomerate

A notorious band of pirates given legitimacy by the recent elevation of Hyrim Delrian to its ruling council. Hyrim is the son of Cardinal Vasily Delrian, chief minister of Pollcoinin. Actual system resources are limited to the Overlook, a single platform above the capital planet and scattered facilities in the asteroid belts and gas clouds. Their ships are merely raiders and destroyers but all are Warp-capable.

The Steelbloods

Ruled by the Magos known only as The Blade Banshee, the Steelbloods have maintained a presence in the Pollcoinin system for centuries. Their charter gives them unfettered access to the passage and as a result of the other factions attempting to curtail that access the Banshee has declared her order's treaties and oaths to the system null and void. She claims that in the absence of the rightful Governor rule of the system passes to the Cult Mechanicus with her as Lord Fabricator. They have a single voidship, the Secutor-class Monitor Cruiser Bladed Fist of Horror, two orbital stations above the capital and a minority of the other system ships and defenses.

Major Players

Cordoba Dynasty

Lead by Rogue Trader Lord-Captain Fuqon Cordoba, the Cordoba Dynasty operates a major Cold Trade operation from its spoils in the Stormlands.

Ships of the Dynasty
  • Dauntless-class Light Cruiser Furious Styles
  • Claymore-class Corvette Saint Jerraq
  • Carrack-class Transport Kells

Veidt Dynasty

Haltemira Veidt is a sharp-featured, middle-aged woman with a bionic left eye struck through with a spectacular scar she gained courtesy of an Ork's choppa in her youth. Until recently Pollcoinin was only one of many interests but with the escalating turmoil her keen mercantile instincts have lead her to commit all four of her Dynasty's ships to the area.

Ships of the Dynasty
  • Turbulent-class Heavy Frigate Honor of Veidt
  • Cobra-class Destroyer Another Day
  • Loki-class Q-Ship Sheepsong
  • Jericho-class Pilgrim Vessel Forever the Last

The Vagabonds

Another group of pirates who frequent the system. They have no strong leader, instead the captains of all vessels in the area form a council and decide targets and procedures by consensus.

Known Ships
  • Iconoclast-class Destroyer Voidtossed Fortunes
  • Orion-class Star Clipper Down on Her Luck
  • Viper-class Scout Sloop Fated Always to Wander
  • Hazeroth-class Privateer Cursed Reef

Chaos Reavers

  • Apostate-class Heavy Frigate Life Asunder
  • Infidel-class Destroyer Hound of Beroth (captained by Ven Horrivictus of the Black Legion)


Several ships believed to belong to the Eldar pirates called 'The Red Waste Corsairs' have been sighted at the edges of the system in the last year. So far there have been no substantiated claims of them interfering but all factions have accused the others of employing them to explain several attacks on shipping and outlying outposts that have no other known explanation.