Gleeville:Amy Fitch
- Player:El Jefe
- Actor: Jena Malone
- Campaign: Gleeville
- System: Cortex+
- Duty d6: I've got my friend's back.
- Fame d6: I don't care what anyone thinks about me.
- Fairness d8: Life sucks. Deal with it.
- Love d8: No one's ever loved me.
- Popularity d4: I might as well not exist at this school.
- Truth d4: Everyone lies, I might as well too.
- Leads
- Warren Whitcomb d8: Warren needs to get it together or he'll end up like me.
- Adam Chamberlain d8: I can trust Adam.
- Lauren Grey d6: Little Miss Rich Girl Lauren has it easy.
- Ashley Brown d4: Maybe there's more to Ashley than I thought.
- Fiona Maxwell d4: Fiona's just like her clique. Avoid her.
- Features
- Larry "Del" DelMasto d6: Del is pretty cool for an old guy.
- Ryan Reed, School Counselor d4 I wish Mr. Reed would leave me alone.
Musical Range:Hard-Knock Life
- Specialties: Blues (d8) Rock (d6) Pop(d6)
- Stage Trick: Guitar Hero - Step Up or Double any Hard-Knock Life Specialty when accompanying yourself or another on the guitar.
- Stage Trick: Piano Woman - Step Up or Double any Hard-Knock Life Specialty when accompanying yourself or another on the piano or keyboard (or KEYTAR.)
- Stage Trick: Musical Genius - Use your Genius distinction when learning or teaching music or when creating new music. (needs approval or changing)
- Limit: Bad Temper - Earn a Plot Point (?) to Step Up any Angry dice pool against her.
- Limit. Not a Team Player - Step up then opposing dice when forced to work as part of a team.
- Secret Genius - Amy hides her smarts, purposefully making mediocre grades, but sometimes she slips.
Spend a Plot Point to add d8 to the applicable dice pool when your esoteric knowledge will help in a Contest. (?) Earn a Plot Point when the reveal of rare knowledge hurts your cause or if it is revealed as part of a joke at Amy's expense. (?)
- Genius d10 - You’re an intellectual giant. Either you’ve already established yourself in the scientific or academic community, or you demonstrate a great deal of promise. Roll the Distinction’s die when your analytical and logical skills would be of use in achieving a positive outcome, or when squaring off against somebody in a battle of the brains.
- d4: Spend a Plot Point to Reveal that you've studied a subject and know its basics.
- d8: Something.
- Joey Brennan 2d8
- Mr. Arndt 2d4
- Mr. Reed's Office 2d4
- The Old Barn 2d4
- Choir Room 2d6
- Origins: Choice Description
- Upbringing: Choice Description
- Attitude: Choice Description
- Ambition: Choice Description
- Life-Changing Event: Choice Description