Professor X

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Professor X, PL 15

Str 10 (+0), Dex 10 (+0), Con 16 (+3), Int 30 (+10), Wis 30 (+10), Cha 14 (+2)

Skills: Computers 2 (+12), Concentration 5 (+15), Craft (electronic) 5 (+15), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +5 (+15), Knowledge (life sciences) +5 (+15), Knowledge (technology) +5 (+15), Notice 0 (+10), Pilot 5 (+5), Profession (Professor) +8 (+15), Sense Motive 5 (+15)

Feats: Assessment (psi ability), Benefit (wealth) 3, Connected, Improved Initiative, Inventor, Leadership, Master Plan, Second Chance (Concentration checks), Teamwork 2, Well-Informed


  • Astral Form 10
  • Mind Shield 5
  • Super-Senses 5 (Detect Mutants [Extended, Free Action, Ranged, Mental Group], Mental Awareness)
  • Telepathy 15 (Power Feats: Alternate Powers [Illusion 10 (Visual and Auditory, Flaw: Phantasms, Power Feats: Progression 4, Selective), Mental Blast 7, Mental Transform 15 (Change Memories, Extra: Perception Range)

Combat: Attack +2, Grapple +2, Damage +7 (Mental Blast), Defense +2 (+1 flat-footed), Knockback -1, Initiative +4

Saves: Toughness +3, Fortitude +5, Reflex +0, Will +10

Drawback: Disability (Paraplegic, -4)

Abilities 50 + Skills 14 (53 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 92 + Combat 8 + Saves 2 - Drawbacks 4 = Total 175