Edward (That's ed-WAHD, not ED-word)
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Edward Class: Thief Level: 4 (Burglar) Experience Points: 4804 (+10%) Total Hit Points: 10 Armor Class: 4 Movement: 30'/Round
Attributes: Strength 10 Intelligence 10 Wisdom 14 +1 certain saving throws vs. magic Dexterity 18 +3 missiles, -3 AC, +2 individual initiative Constitution 8 -1 hit points per die Charisma 9 4 maximum hirelings, default morale 7
Thief Abilities: Open Locks Find/Remove Traps Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Sheer Surfaces Hide in Shadows Hear Noise 30% 25% 35% 35% 90% 25% 1-3
On Person:
In Bank: 28 gp 3 cp 63 sp
Hidden Stash (Don't Ask): 30 pp Jeweled Clasp (300 gp) Rat King's Jewelry (400 gp) (wt 100) Spare shortsword 350 gp - wt 350 gem (50) - wt 10
Weapons: Hand Axe - wt 30 Shortbow - wt 30 (20 arrows) 6 silver arrows Dagger +1 - wt 10
Armor: Leather Armor - wt 200
Backpack: Containing - wt 80 Thieve's Tools Large Sack x2 Iron Rations (1 week) Waterskin Wineskin Rope (50') Tinderbox Iron Spikes (12) Mirror Torches (3) crude goblin dice Potion of Invisibility - wt 10 Potion of Gaseous Form - wt 10 Writ from Guild Lantern Flask of Oil (3)
Total Encumbrance: 200 + 70 + 25 + 80 = 375
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands