X-Men Unnatural Selection: Marcus Townsend
Marcus Townsend[edit]
Special Agent Marcus Townsend, SHIELD Super-Agent
Much of Agent Townsend's past is classified, but a few facts are known. Townsend is a retrieval specialist, and has demonstrated himself as extremely capable of removing valuable or sensitive information, objects and persons from hostile locations. His current assignment is one of the more open and public ones he has undertaken, and he was chosen not because of his skills, but because of his origins: Marcus Townsend is a mutant.
Townsend has been assigned to serve as a liaison between SHIELD and the Xavier Institute, as SHIELD sources suggest a significant threat arising from the Mutant community within the near future, and he has been ordered to maintain a cover as a new teacher within the Institute until that threat has been contained or otherwise neutralised. Xavier and the X-Men Team Leaders have been cleared to know Townsend's true identity and current mission, in part because keeping secrets from Xavier is regarded as futile at best.
Solo d10, Buddy d6, Team d8
That's Classified
The Mission Comes First
I'm Spec Ops, not a Babysitter
Power Sets
Physiological Acceleration
Enhanced Stamina d8
Enhanced Speed d8
Enhanced Reflexes d8
Enhanced Strength d8
SFX: Momentum: Step up or double a Physiological Acceleration power for one action. If that action fails, add a die to Doom equal to the action's Effect Die.
SFX: Don't Stop Moving: Spend 1 PP to add Enhanced Speed (or step it up if already included) and re-roll a failed Reaction.
SFX: High-Speed Combatant: Add a d6 to Doom to step up any Combat or Acrobatic Stunt by +1.
Limit: Stopping Distance: Gain 1 PP and turn any Physiological Acceleration power into a Complication. Recover power by Activating an Opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
Limit: Mutant
SHIELD-Issue Gear
Weapon d8 Enhanced Durability d8
SFX: Shock-Batons: Replace Weapon with 3d6, and step up effect die by +1 when inflicting stunned complications.
SFX: High-Powered Sidearm: Step up or double Weapon for a single action, then discard the highest-rolling die and add an additional die to the total.
Limit: Gear: Gain 1 PP to shut down any SHIELD-Issue Gear power. Take an action vs Doom to Recover.
Acrobatic Expert d8
Combat Master d10
Covert Master d10
Crime Expert d8
Psych Expert d8
Just A Job
Gain 1xp when you create a Covert or Crime resource.
Gain 3xp when you either abandon a task required for your cover in order to pursue a lead pertaining to your mission, or when you put your cover responsibilities ahead of your duties to SHIELD.
Gain 10xp when you either leave the Xavier Institute for good in order to perform a mission for SHIELD, or when you resign from SHIELD in order to stay at the Institute.
Need to Know Basis
Gain 1xp when you use your "That's Classified" distinction as a negative for the first time in a scene.
Gain 3xp when you are denied access to information you have requested, or when you choose to reveal something about yourself that is restricted information.
Gain 10xp when you reveal classified information to those you trust, or when you take Trauma attempting to protect secret information.