Character:The Once and Future King Suria

Suria Deva | |
Biographical information | |
Birthplace |
Katraya del Zexay |
Birth |
RY 741, 7th day of Ascending Air. |
Occupation(s) |
Knight-Errant, 'Goddess' of Hell, self-appointed inheritor of Ligier's legacy |
Gender |
Female |
Hair color |
Green, short and elegant |
Eye color |
Green |
Height |
5'8" |
Statistics | |
Type |
Infernal |
Caste |
Malefactor |
Affiliation |
Katraya del Zexay, Ligier, Hell, The Thing Infernal |
The Once and Future King Suria Deva
Ruthless Aspiring Goddess of Hell
Real Name: Hollow
Periphrasis: "The people of Hell cry out for a savior. I will be the one."
Ascend as the one True Goddess of Hell
Teach the Dragon-blooded of Lookshy to revere only power.
- Authority (Aspiration)
- Divinity (Envy)
- Ligier (Respect/Admiration)
- Malfeas (Pity)
- Hell (Covetousness)
- The Gods of Yu-Shan (Unworthy)
- Suria Deva (Pride)
- Power (Highest Virtue)
(Intimacies in italic are protected by Charm effects)
Infernals of the Malefactor Caste may channel their anima through sweet words and honeyed promises, beguiling the weak with their silvered tongues. By spending five motes, a Malefactor gains +1 Appearance, and adds a single automatic success on all social attacks against demons or characters of lower Essence for one scene. She also adds a single automatic success on any roll to sorcerously bind a demon. These effects come into play automatically once the warlock spends 11+ motes of Peripheral Essence.
PHYSICAL: Strength ••, Dexterity •••••, Stamina ••••
SOCIAL: Charisma ••••, Manipulation •, Appearance ••••
MENTAL: Perception ••, Intelligence ••, Wits •••
Caste Abilities
Integrity ••••• , Performance ••• (Oration +1), Presence •••, Resistance ••, Survival -
Favored Abilities
Awareness ••, Athletics •••, War •••, Lore •• (Prehistory +2), Martial Arts ••••• (Unarmed +3)
Unfavored Abilities
Dodge •, Socialize •, Linguistics • (Native: Forest-tongue, Old Realm)
- Artifact: ••••• (Tainted Moonsilver Celestial Bulwark)
- Backing: • (Cecelyne)
- Influence: • (Demons)
- Cult: •
- Wealth: •
- Mentor: ••• (Ligier)
- Manse: •••• (Gem of Adamant Skin)
1st Malfeas Excellency x4 (1m/die, add up to Attribute+Ability dice to one action)
Malfeas Mythos Exultant (Whenever stunted action could be enhanced with Malfeas Excellency, double motes awarded. Extra motes are considered Overdrive motes)
Effortless Malfeas Dominance (Whenever Malfeas Excellency is activated, reduce the cost to activate it for the rest of the scene by 1 mote cumulatively.)
By Pain Reforged
Scar-Writ Saga Shield x2
Viridian Legend Exoskeleton x2
Pathetic Distraction Rebuke
Invulnerable Wounding Futility
By Agony Empowered
Purity of Madness Defense
By Rage Recast
Devil-Tyrant Avatar Shintai
Insignificant Embers Intuition
Skyfire-Seizing Repast
Sun-Heart Furnace Soul
Rage-Stoked Inferno Soul
Ebon Dragon
Loom-Snarling Deception
Essence & Health
Essence: ••••
Personal: 19
Peripheral: 44 (34)
Committed to Charms:
Commited to Artifacts: 10m peripheral (Celestial Bulwark)
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
(wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)
••••• ••
Static Values
Dodge DV: 5
Parry DV: 9
Dodge MDV: 8
Parry MDV: 4
Soak: 19A/31L/37B
Hardness: 15L/20B
Compassion •
Conviction •••
Temperance ••
Valor •••
(Virtue Channels used: None)
Limit: ----- ----
Tainted Moonsilver Celestial Bulwark (Artifact •••••)
The Celestial Bulkwark grants enhanced healing, healing one level of bashing damage per tick and one level of lethal per hour. It also grants the effects of Essence Gauntlets, Essence Shield and Essence Stride. Furthermore it allows for the regeneration of one level of bashing and one level of lethal damage at a reflexive cost of 4 motes. It otherwise come with the standard abilities of Celestial Battle Armor.
Soak 15L/20B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 1, Attune 10
Essence Gauntlets (Artifact -)
Hand-to-hand: Speed 5, Acc +4, Damage 10L/2||15B/2, Defense +3, Rate 2, Tags O,P,M
Ranged: Speed 5, Acc +4, Damage 10L/2||15B/2, Rate 2, Range 60||100, Cost: 2 motes/attack
Fine Buckler (Resources ••)
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +0B, Defense +4, Rate 1, Tags M, Sh0
Hardened Clothes
Soak 3L/2B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0
Whisper of Vitriol (Manse ••••)
The Whispering Glade is known as such due to the wind plays against the innumerable trees with canopy so thick the light filters only in rays through it as if everyday it rained light upon the ground. The breeze brushing against the leaves creates a peculiar and most distinctive murmur for which the location was named in the distant past. In places this illumination glimmers and glitters against the surface of various ponds which adds to the mystique of the eerie area. As a matter of fact, the Whispering Glade is unexpectedly enough not known to have a strong elemental presence let alone a Forest King to rule upon it. In the dancing shadows, nothing waits but silence and contemplation.
Deep, very deep, in this milieu awaits a worn staircase surrounded by sparser trees and lined up with columns of stone. A large gate in surprisingly pristine shape ewn of fine and spotless brass awaits at the top, giving way to one of the forest's few clearings. There, light filters unbidden and nearly blinding, shining upon the ruins of what appears to be some manner of temple. The only idol inside has been disfigured and 'maimed', leaving it impossible to determine the deity to whom this place once offered tribute. There is an uneasy silence in this clearing and the murmur of the Whispering Glade seems most comforting by comparison. Few stay there long.
If only they knew the secret hidden in plain sight there, the sideway path which directs those who walk the gate not to the clearing but deeper into the rabbit hole...
Through the narrow gate and into ever growing flaura, until the claustrophobic environment is so tightly packed in that it is less passage and more hole, barely any light filtering such that only dancing firefly glowing a pale emerald and golden glow shine upon the intruders. As they continue to walk, the sensation that they have transitioned from the forest toward some entirely different place is hard to ignore. Until at last their eyes catch a glimpse of soft crimson glow on the horizon. Some structure can be seen outside. Perhaps the rush toward this promised land or they walk quietly toward it in mesmerized awe. Whatever the case...
They soon emerge into a verdant paradise of alien fauna and strange skies. The sun holds a silvery glint in this strange place as if it were a flame burning into the endless expanse of Cecelyne, the bark of trees holds a strange bronze gleam, the petals of flower an unnatural emerald sheen and the coursing water that cascades through this place seems to be painfully limpid and pure. As if begging for the unwary to take a sip of its crystal clear depths. Through this strange but idyllic landscape runs a road of stone held up into the void which snakes its way throughout, passing a few gates with doors held open and brightly burning green torches if it should be night to guide travelers toward the palace proper. The palace grounds are nothing short of stunning, immaculately maintained and groomed, strange birds that seem as if they are made of the stuff of night and day respectively flying about the premise and singing a lascivious and perverse but entirely charming and enticing song. The palace proper is a structure of bright crimson, deep brass and shining bronze, standing high and piercing the sky itself, a standard floating proudly and defiantly atop it the details of which cannot be made out. The premise itself can handily hold hundreds and the main entrance is a set of heavy brass doors with ancient history from before the Primordial War itself painted on them in excruciating detail. The sight would surely constitute a treat for any scholar of such esoteric history.
The interior of the palace itself is a strange and opulent place. Elegant but unnatural flora growing all over the place and casting their dim emerald bio-luminescence over the hallways and boudoirs of the luxurious estate. The beautiful archways and sheer attention to detail in the architecture does little to draw away attention from the tasteful furnishing and decoration which is seen throughout. In particular, pieces of art which might be considered obscene or blasphemous in Creation proper are held here to be seen by all, their incredible awe-inspiring and heart-breaking beauty doing much to diminish the effect of their often slightly disturbing subject matter.
Within, ceiling lights turn on at the approach of any visitors providing the current area with a more comfortable ambiance. Furthermore, the cooking area holds a cellar which can keep supplies cold for later consumption at the convenience of the residents. A large if entirely mundane workshop and forge can also be found on the premise. The entire palace receives clear flowing water, allowing for highly modern toiletries and steaming baths. Furthermore, the manse itself is capable of providing an opponent should it be so desired for any board game, card game and other such physical game with a clear set of rules. Should it be desired, said games can be played on a variety of different 'difficulties' too and provides residents with leisure and entertainment. A game parlor can be found in the building which also contains everything one might need for the purpose of gambling.
Aside from certain magical conveniences, every mundane convenience that money can reasonably purchase is available within the Whisper of Vitriol. Furthermore, the palace itself is mechanically considered a 'Fortress' despite its exterior aesthetic doing an excellent job of concealing such, the building being far more defensible and unassailable than might be surmised at first glance. A contingent of nearly three hundred vitriol elementals, most kept in aesthetically attractive human forms, is bound on the premise and acts as both serving staff and guards. More importantly, Alveua, the Keeper of the Forge of Night has been bound as a Guardian demon to the manse. She is bound to guard it and serve the mistress of the palace in whatever way she deigns to command. As a demon of the second circle, Alveua is a creature of no small power and majesty and holds unquestionable authority as steward of the manse over the masses of lesser servant demons in the absence of the mistress.
Mechanically speaking, the Whisper of Vitriol is a four dots manse requiring one dot of Maintenance. Its powers are Magical Conveniences, Fortress, Bound Servants Force and Guardian. It is Malfeas-aspected.