Sir Rhun de Wylye
Heraldry and Pictures
Coat of Arms Sir Rhun de Wylye
Personal Data
- Name: Sir Rhun de Wylye
- Age: 23
- Year of Birth: 466 A.D.
- Son Number: 1
- Homeland: Salisbury
- Culture: Cymric
- Religion: British Christian
- Father: Sir Hywel
- Father's Class: Vassal Knight
- Lord: Earl Roderick of Salisbury
- Current Class: Vassal Knight
- Current Home: Wylye
- ----- Equipment -----
- Cash on Hand - 5£
- Chainmail Armor (Armor-10), Open Helmet
- Kite Shield (Armor-6) with Coat of arms painted on it.
- Sword, 5 Spear, Dagger
- 1 Chestnut colored strong Charger(7d6 dam)(3yrs old) 1 Charger (3yrs old), 2 Rouncy, 1 Sumpter
- ----- Squire -----
- Rotri (Age-17)
- Squire - 17
- Cuirbouilli armor and open helm (8 points), Kite Shield (6), Sword, spear, dagger
- Starting Glory - 172
- +1000 for being Knighted
- Starting Glory - 1172
- +50 for killing three assassins at Easter court
- +10 VIP Escort of Earl Roderick and Family
- +30 for killing another assassin at Pentecost Court
- +10 Rescuing Prisoners and leading them to safety and Fighting Ceorls (10 Glory) and kiling 2 opponents (5 Each)
- +45 Battle at the Avon river landing Captured a Heorthgeneat and defeated Saxon Noble
- +43 Battle with the Strange Knight and witnessing the first "Lobbing of the Scimitar"
- +100 Unveiling of Excalibur
- +258 Marry Lady Elaine
- +57 Annual Glory
- Ending Glory - 1775
- Starting Glory - 1775
- Burn Southern Saxon Fleet - 15
- Burn Dover Saxon Fleet - 30
- Sea Battle - 40
- Battle of the Wash - 40
- Boar Hunt - 15
- Annual Glory - 60
- Ending Glory - 1975
- Starting Glory - 1975
- Size 16
- Dexterity 10
- Strength 17
- Constitution 15
- Appearance 10
- Dammage 6d6
- Heal 3
- Hit Points 31 Current 20
- Knockdown 16
- Major Wound 15
- Move 3
- Unconscious 8
Distinctive Feature - piercing gaze
Passion and Traits
- Chaste 13/7 Lustful
- Energetic 15/5 Lazy
- Forgiving 10/10 Vengeful
- Generous 13/7 Selfish
- Honest 10/10 Deceitful
- Just 11/9 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10/10 Cruel
- Modest 14/6 Pround
- Pious 10/10 Worldly
- Prudent 10/10 Reckless
- Temperate 12/8 Indulgent
- Trusting 10/10 Suspicious
- Valorous 16/4 Cowardly
- ----
- Distinctive Trait - Suspicious of Silchester (+6)
- -----
- Loyalty (Earl Roderick) 15
- Loyalty (Pendragon) 12
- Love (Family) 15
- Love (Elaine) 18
- Hospitality 15
- Honor 15
- Concern (My Peasants) 9 [X]
- Hate Saxons 20 (From Family history)
- Awareness 8
- Boating 2
- Compose 1
- Coutresy 10
- Dancing 3
- Faerie Lore 1
- Falconry 3
- Fashion 0
- First Aid 11
- Flirting 10
- Folk Lore 2
- Gaming 3
- Heraldry 1
- Hunting 11
- Intrigue 11
- Orate 11
- Play (Harp) 3
- Read Latin (Family trait) 5
- Recognize 5
- Religion (Christian) 2
- Romance 0
- Singing 4
- Stewardship 2
- Swimming 2
- Tourney 0
- ------
- Battle 12
- Horsemanship 16
- Seige 2
- Sword 16
- Spear Expertise 16
- Dagger 6
- -----
- Family Trait: Grew up with Books +5 to Read (Latin)
Family History
Grand Father
- 439 Fought battle of Carlion, survived. Father Born
- 440 Killed by Pictish raiders
Father - Sir Hywel
- 439 Born
- 454 Squire
- 460 Knighted
- 462 Garrison Duty
- 463 Night of the Long Knives
- 464 Married
- 466-467 Fought in siege of Carlion, survived. Son born in 466
- 468 Fought in Battle of Snowdon, Survived.
- 469-472 Gained Glory in Fighting
- 473 Fought in Battle of Windsor, Survived.
- 474-476 Served garrison duty.
- 478-479 Served Garrison Duty Fought in Slaisbury, Survived.
- 480 Fought in Battle of Salisbury (at Menevia), Survived.
- 481-483 Served garrison Duty saw some fighting.
- 484 Died of unknown cause disappeared body never found.
- -----
- Starting Glory 172
- -----
- Mother of Roman blood and was the one to make me learn to read.
- Old Knights: 0
- Middle-Aged Knights: 0
- Young Knights: 2
Sir Citoc, Age-31, Sister's Husband Sir Coldri, Age-22, Maternal First Cousin
- Total Family Knights: 3
- Other Lineage Men: 17 (Archers - Leather Armor (AR-4), Bow, 2 Score Arrows, Hand Axe)
- Levy: 46 (Unarmored, Spears)
- Sister Anna (Augustine Nun) Chirurgery - 15 (Fee - 1.5£)
- Sister Agnes (Augustine Nun) Chirurgery - 13 (Fee - 1.5£)
- Aunt Glynis, 52 (Dead)
- Aunt Banwen, 52 (Missing at age 51)
- Father Sir Hywel, 47 (Dead)
- Uncle Erbic, 41 (Dead)
- Uncle Heulyn, 37 (Dead)
- Uncle Nougui, 31 (Dead)
- Aunt Efa, 52
- Uncle Orig, 47 (Dead)
- Mother-Leri, 44
- Glaina, Sister, 28
- Married: Sir Citoc, 32
- Sir Rhun, Me, 23
- Married: Lady Elaine, 19
- Alec, Son, 1
- Married: Lady Elaine, 19
- Blaen, Brother, 19
- Glaina, Sister, 28
- Aunt Sian, 42
- Married Sir Roland, 53 (Dead)
- Sir Clodri, 23
- Married Sir Roland, 53 (Dead)
- Uncle Conuan, 39
Wylye Manor
- Steward - Lady Elaine - 15 (Chirurgery - 15)
- Old Roman Villa
- Field Stone Stable, Small wattle and daub Barracks/Servant Quarters, and wooden Chicken Coup
- Coneygarth (486), Income - 1d3+1£, (Main - 1£)
- Ditch and Rampart with Moat (486), (Main - 1£ +3 Annual Glory)
- Standard Horse, Cattle, Fowl, Pig, Dog, and Sheep Herds.
- Wealth - Currency at Manor 25.5£ (hidden), Ivory sailing ship with crew (10£)
Village of Wylye
- Population - 539, Income - 6£
- Small Stone Church, Mill, Communial Bakery, Hate Landlord: 1
Nether Wallop Manor
Steward - 14
- Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets with Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden. Hate Landlord: 0
Allington (upon Avon) Manor
Steward - 15
- Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets with Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden. Hate Landlord: 0
Upper Chute Manor
Steward - 16
- Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets with Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden. Hate Landlord: 0
Cheverell Parva Manor
Steward - 14
- Tin Mine, Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets with Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden. Hate Landlord: 0
Annual Glory - 3
Totals Income - 34£
Total Maintenace - 5£ (includes Retainers)