Forlorn Hopes and Immortal Evils NPCs

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A hoary old Reaver champion. Unlike most of his peers, he scorns the traditional jetbike for a modified Raider transport, the Plunderer, that has been converted into an enemy capture vehicle. Such is his skill that he frequently outflies his younger minions with a vehicle ten times the size of theirs, and he is still more than capable of skilfully dismembering foes with the Plunderer's bladevanes. The simple thrill of speed no longer excites him; now he craves danger and risk, both of which he finds in realspace raids, dodging the thunder of a hundred guns aimed at his seemingly frail vessel.


One of the Parched Ones, the wretches who infest the understreets of Commorragh looking for scraps of pain to feed on. In exchange for an hour's worth of exquisite domination and a purse of pain tokens, Shrivel gleefully tells his betters about the things he and his ragtag band have seen in their miserable daily existence.

Nemetrix's Clique

Fourteen Trueborn (seven male, seven female) Wyches who have been assigned to Nemetrix for tutelage in the art of blade, whip and spike. They lodge in the chambers just below the Hekatix's own and run the gamut of personalities, from Mali'Xin, a quiet girl who is murder with her knives to Dolor, who talks a good game but whose combat skills are sadly lacking. The most notable is Heskill.

Sybarite Cazilin

Cazilin is a Sybarite of the Splintered Bone, a grizzled Halfborn gang leader who works for Dracon Dru'keth. He keeps well abreast of the dealings his mistress engages in and maintains her confidence so much as one of his station can. His gang is about fifty strong at any given time.

Fadhalaen, Solarite

Scourges are difficult to decipher for the other Dark Kin. They were all once wealthy Trueborn Kabalites who chose to be transfigured by the Haemonculi and leave their former, earthly lives forever behind. Their services allow them to enjoy great riches, though and they all possess potent wargear and deadly ranged weapons. Fadhalaen is a veteran, his transformation so long ago he hardly remembers what its like to have solid bones or be unable to fly. But for Lilika's charms he will briefly descend to the ground.

Hazhan and Khainenghar

The primary Incubi bodyguards of Dracon Khazar.


A Hekatrix, much like Nemetrix. The two of them have been childhood rivals given their completely opposed approaches to life - Nemetrix prefers patient late-blooming schemes to the shocking bursts of speed Incyse favors. They are currently in detente, with Incyse holding a slight advantage in their deadly little games, though her latest victory was a somewhat Pyrrhic one. Incyse favors the hydragauntlets and her style relies on extremely direct and sustained attacking, which makes her the polar opposite of Neme's holding back and taking advantage if an opening to destroy her foe.