System Breakdown
- System Features: Warp Turbulence (-10 to all Navigation (Warp) tests, +1 to Psy Rating for Unfettered or Push), +1 Corruption Points
- Star: Binary White Stars
- Ownership: Unclaimed
Inner Cauldron
Planet (KEX-171-11-Alpha)
- Vast, High G, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate World, Verdant Habitability
- 1 Lesser Moon (KEX-171-11-Alpha-Primus) (1 Mineral Resource, Ornamental 23)
- 1 True Moon (KEX-171-11-Alpha-Secundus) (Large & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Hot World, Liquid Water, 4 MR, 3 AR)
- Industrial 166
- Ornamental 187
- Radioactive 110
- Organic (Vivid Accessory) 91
- 10 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 308
- Ornamental 241
- Radioactive 39
- Exotic 87
- 3 Alternate Resource
- Xenos Ruins (Egarian) 55
- Organic Compound (Exotic) 23
- Minerals (Ornamental) 58
- 10 Territories on 3 Continents
- Wasteland x3 Expansive, Ruined / Expansive / Expansive
- Plains x3 - Expansive / Fertile / Extreme Temperature
- Mountain x2 - Extreme Cold, Expansive / Boundary
- Forest x1 - Notable Species
- Swamp x1 - Expansive
Primary Biosphere
Planet (KEX-171-11-Beta)
- Vast, High G, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Hot World, Limited Ecosystem
- 1 Lesser Moon (1 Mineral Resource, Industrial 57)
- 5 Territories on 2 Continents
- 10+1 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 314
- Ornamental 230
- Radioactive 150
- 3 Alternate Resources
- Minerals (Ornamental) 56
- Organic Compound (Toxin) 35
- Archeotech 92
Planet (KEX-171-11-Gamma)
- Large & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World
- 2 Lesser Moons (1 Mineral Resource, Industrial 77)
- 5 Territories, 1 Supercontinent
- 3 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 161
- Ornamental 86
Outer Reaches
Gas Giant (KEX-171-11-Delta)
- Massive, Titanic G, Almost-Star
- 1 Rings (Debris)
- 3 Rings (Dust)
- 3 Lesser Moons (KEX-171-11-Delta-Primus, Secundus, Tertius)(1 MR, Industrial 30)
- 5 True Moons
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Quartus (Large, Low G, Thin Deadly Atmosphere, Temperate World, 2 MR, 2 AR)
- Industrial 104
- Ornamental 168
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Quintus (Vast, High G, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World, 6+2 MR, 4-2 AR)
- Industrial 219
- Ornamental 158
- Radioactive 70
- Exotic 91
- Organic Compound (Vivid Accessory) 91
- Organic Compound (Curative) 71
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Sextus (Small & Dense, High G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World, 2 MR)
- Ornamental 105
- Exotic 34
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Septimus (Vast, Normal G, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate Limited Ecosystem 8+1 MR, 3-1 AR)
- Industrial 106
- Ornamental 283
- Exotic 235
- Organic Compound (Toxin) 86
- Archeotech 62
- Minerals (Exotic)
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Octavius (Large & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Hot Inhospitable World, 3+1 MR 1-1 AR)
- Industrial 82
- Ornamental 97
- Mineral (Industrial)
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Quartus (Large, Low G, Thin Deadly Atmosphere, Temperate World, 2 MR, 2 AR)
Asteroid Belt (5 R)
- Industrial 210
- Ornamental 55
- Radioactive 98
Starship Graveyard (Crushed Defense Fleet @Platform)
- Archeotech 462
- 8 Hulks, 2 Salvageable
- Lupus Tempestus (Automated Defenses, Structural Decay)
- Umbranox (The World Inverted, Ion Storms)
Derelict Station (STC Defense Platform)
- Archeotech 231
- Vicious Residents (Demi-Warp Monsters), Vicious Residents (Mutant Outcasts)