System Breakdown
- System Features: Warp Turbulence (-10 to all Navigation (Warp) tests, +1 to Psy Rating for Unfettered or Push), +1 Corruption Points
- Star: Binary White Stars
- Ownership: Unclaimed
Inner Cauldron
Planet (KEX-171-11-Alpha)
A fantastically rich world shielded from much of the twin-star's fury by strange Xenotic apparati, verdant despite its proximity to the Binary.
- Vast, High G, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate World, Verdant Habitability
- 1 Lesser Moon (KEX-171-11-Alpha-Primus) (1 Mineral Resource, Ornamental 23)
- 1 True Moon (KEX-171-11-Alpha-Secundus) (Large & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Hot World, Liquid Water, 4 MR, 3 AR)
- Industrial 166
- Ornamental 187
- Radioactive 110
- Organic (Vivid Accessory) 91
- 10 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 308
- Ornamental 241
- Radioactive 39
- Exotic 87
- 3 Alternate Resource
- Xenos Ruins (Egarian Atmospheric Shields) 55
- Organic Compound (Exotic) 23 - Strange fruit that can be ground into paste that rapidly hardens to steel-like strength.
- Minerals (Ornamental)
- 10 Territories on 3 Continents
- Wasteland x3 Expansive, Ruined / Expansive / Expansive
- Plains x3 - Expansive / Fertile / Extreme Temperature
- Mountain x2 - Extreme Cold, Expansive / Boundary
- Forest x1 - Notable Species
- Swamp x1 - Expansive
Primary Biosphere
Planet (KEX-171-11-Beta)
A desert world plagued by sixteen-legged, scuttling plated worm-creatures, it offers a fantastic bounty in Promethium and enough Gold (Aurum) to gild a shrine world or five.
- Vast, High G, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Hot World, Limited Ecosystem
- 1 Lesser Moon (1 Mineral Resource, Industrial 57)
- 5 Territories on 2 Continents
- 10+1 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 314
- Ornamental 230
- Radioactive 150
- 3 Alternate Resources
- Minerals (Ornamental) 56
- Organic Compound (Toxin) 35 - A horrific toxin derived from the glands of the Plate-Worms, it melts the victim's flesh inside their skin.
- Archeotech 92 (Encounter Site: Cloud City, Dangers: Urban Decay, Hostile Inhabitants) - A city that floats upon a tapered mag-array, two kilometers above the surface.
Planet (KEX-171-11-Gamma)
A Garden World that shows sign of previous inhabitation - though all such has decayed far beyond usefulness over the millennia.
- Large & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World
- 2 Lesser Moons (1 Mineral Resource, Industrial 77)
- 5 Territories, 1 Supercontinent
- 3 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 161
- Ornamental 86
Outer Reaches
Gas Giant (KEX-171-11-Delta)
Give this thing a push, a shove and some more mass and it would tear KEX-171-11 apart as it sparks into a sun.
- Massive, Titanic G, Almost-Star
- 1 Rings (Debris)
- 3 Rings (Dust)
- 3 Lesser Moons (KEX-171-11-Delta-Primus, Secundus, Tertius)(1 MR, Industrial 30)
- 5 True Moons
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Quartus (Large, Low G, Thin Deadly Atmosphere, Temperate World, 2 MR, 2 AR)
A scouting accident showed that the acids that make up this moon's atmosphere can melt a full-grown man in two and a half minutes.
- Industrial 104
- Ornamental 168
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Quintus (Vast, High G, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World, 6+2 MR, 4-2 AR)
Equal in size to Alpha and Beta, Delta-Quintus is a wealthy world inhabited by a variety of species that can be exploited for profit.
- Industrial 219
- Ornamental 158
- Radioactive 70
- Exotic 91
- Organic Compound (Vivid Accessory) 91 - The razor-sharp, crystalline antlers of the shaggy bullmoose of the northern mountain ranges.
- Organic Compound (Curative) 71 - A milk-like liquid derived from the enormous manatees of the central ocean.
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Sextus (Small & Dense, High G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World, 2 MR)
Small and possesesed of painfully high gravity, Delta-Sextus is theoretically capable of supporting human habitation.
- Ornamental 105
- Exotic 34
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Septimus (Vast, Normal G, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate Limited Ecosystem 8+1 MR, 3-1 AR)
Twin sister to Delta-Quintus, Delta-Septimus lacks a similarly well-developed ecosystem, though several cretaceous-equivalent creatures hunt each other.
- Industrial 106
- Ornamental 283
- Exotic 235
- Organic Compound (Toxin) 86 - The small hopping saurians of the planet's vast plains might not look like much of a danger until you get a faceful of their flesh-melting, eye-popping, life-ending toxin.
- Archeotech 62 (Encounter Site: Fabrication Complex, Dangers: Crazed Automata, Flaying Storm) - An archeo-fabrication unit nestled in the eastern mountain peak, surrounded by flaying hailstorms and guarded by deadly machines.
- Minerals (Exotic)
- KEX-171-11-Delta-Octavius (Large & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Hot Inhospitable World, 3+1 MR 1-1 AR)
One of the heaviest planetoids in the system by mass, Delta-Octavius is completely arid, lacking any water, but making up for it with an enormous amount of industrially worthless, baking-hot silicates.
- Industrial 82
- Ornamental 97
- Mineral (Industrial)
Asteroid Belt (5 R)
Forming the outer barrier of the system, the Asteroid Belt offers considerable amount of resources for the canny enterpreneur to take.
- Industrial 210
- Ornamental 55
- Radioactive 98
Starship Graveyard (Crushed Defense Fleet)
Eight recognizable wrecks and the shattered remains of at least half a dozen, all of clearly human make, speak of a heroic but ultimately doomed defense.
- Archeotech 462 (Ship components & cargo)
- 8 Hulks, 1 Salvageable
- Lupus Tempestus (Automated Defenses, Structural Decay, Ion Storms)
The only ship not to be completely hulked, this millennia-old vessel might yet be restored if it can be cleansed and recovered.
Derelict Station (STC Defense Platform)
Surrounded by the decimated defense fleet, this station still bristles with ancient weapons in various states of damage.
- Archeotech 231 (Implements of War)
- Vicious Residents (Electric Incarnations), Structural Decay, Ion Storms