TAND:Viridian Falls System
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System Breakdown[edit]
- System Features: Bountiful, Ruined Empire (Eldar)
- Star: White
- Ownership: Imperial, claimed by House Tremlett
Inner Cauldron[edit]
Asteroid Cluster[edit]
Cluster Primaris forms a close-spun but very thick net around Alba Viridia.
- Industrial: 148
- Radioactive: 128
- Ornamental: 91
Radiation Bursts[edit]
Leaking through the dense Cluster Primaris, these bursts can savage an unwary vessel.
Dust Cloud[edit]
A cloud of breathtakingly beautiful purple space dust that hangs between Alba Viridia and Viridius I.
Gas Giant (Viridius Alpha)[edit]
Coloured like a slice of bacon, Viridius I is a massive gas giant, exerting titanic gravitational forces upon its multitude of satellites.
- 1 Planetary Ring (Debris)
- 3 Planetary Rings (Dust)
- 3 Lesser Moons (1 Mineral Resource)
- Ornamental: 42
- 8 True Moons
- Viridius Alpha-Primus (Large, Normal G, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Burning World, 3 Mineral Resources)
It's hard to tell what would kill an unprotected human faster on this world, the furnace heat or the pyrophoric particulate polluting the atmosphere.
- Industrial 40
- Ornamental 86
- Radioactive 39
- Viridius Alpha-Secundus (Large, Heavy G, Thin Corrosive Atmosphere, Temperate World, 4 Mineral Resources)
Offering a considerable mineral bounty, including enormous deposits of Adamantium, Alpha-Secundus is a worthy target for industrial expansion.
- Industrial 108
- Ornamental 72
- Exotic 98
- Viridius Alpha-Tertius (Small, Low G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Burning World, Trapped Water, 3 Mineral Resources)
Tidally locked, the rivers of molten iron flowing from the day-side of Alpha-Tertius offer easy harvesting potential.
- Industrial 167
- Ornamental 46
- Viridius Alpha-Quartus (Small & Dense, Low G, No Atmosphere, Burning World, 3 Mineral Resources)
An atmosphere-less ball of heated rock, Alpha-Quartus is as rich in minerals as all the planetoids of this system.
- Industrial 105
- Ornamental 91
- Radioactive 54
- Viridius Alpha-Quintus (Small & Dense, Normal G, Thin Corrosive Atmosphere, Temperate World, 3 Mineral Resources)
The aggressively corrosive atmosphere - not enough to get through proper equipment in a hurry, but enough to strip paint in short oder - makes exploiting Alpha-Quintus a logistical challenge.
- Industrial 102
- Ornamental 110
- Radioactive 38
- Viridius Alpha-Sextus (Small & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Burning World, Trapped Water, 3 Mineral Resources)
Rich in gold and adamantium, Alpha-Sextus is a desert world with sporadic, deep-underground stores of water.
- Ornamental 92
- Exotic 138
- Viridius-Alpha-Septimus (Large, High G, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Hot World, 2 Mineral Resources, 2 Alternate Resources)
Covered from pole to pole in lightly boiling, toxic sludge, Alpha-Septimus is nonetheless worth mining out to the core.
- Ornamental 104
- Industrial 61
- Radioactives 83
- Viridius-Alpha-Octavius (Large, Normal G, Moderate Deadly Atmosphere, Burning World, 5 Mineral Resources
'An atmosphere deadly enough to give an Astartes pause hides enormous amounts of resources on the red-hot Alpha-Octavius.
- Industrial 99
- Ornamental 161
- Radioactive 181
Planet (Viridius Beta)[edit]
With an atmosphere barely breathable without burning the lungs, the ember jewel of Viridius Beta awaits the drills and extractors of the brave Explorer.
- Small & Dense, Low G, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Hot Inhospitable World
- Lesser Moon
- 3 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 108
- Ornamental 75
- Radioactive 31
Planet (Viridius Gamma)[edit]
Though living on Gamma is a chore due to the heavy gravity and atmosphere, it and its moon are rich in resources and extraordinarily fertile for raising crops.
- Large, High G, Heavy Pure Atmosphere, Temperate World, Verdant)
- True Moon (Large, Heavy G, Thin Toxic Atmosphere, Burning World, 4 Mineral Resources)
- Industrial 152
- Ornamental 90
- Exotic 27
- 1 Landmass w/5 Territories
- Plains (Extreme Temperature)
- Forest (Expansive)
- Plains (Fertile, Fertile)
- Forest (Unusual Location, Notable Species, Notable Species)
- Plains (Fertile)
- 4 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 90
- Ornamental 190
- Exotic 194
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) 73 - A major eldar Illusion-complex confounding orbital sensors into believing this to be no more than an inhospitably deadly and resource-starved, useless rock.
Primary Biosphere[edit]
Asteroid Cluster (6 R)[edit]
Cluster Secundus is the first of the three overlapping asteroid formations that marks the boundary between the system's Inner Cauldron and the Primary Biosphere, a vast field of immense wealth hidden in rocks.
- Industrial 175
- Ornamental 76
- Radioactive 27
Asteroid Cluster (7 R)[edit]
Cluster Tertius is the center of the three asteroid fields, the sheer size of some of the debris hinting at a planet of considerable size having broken up into the three asteroid formations.
- Industrial 48
- Ornamental 226
- Radioactive 43
- Exotic 164
Asteroid Belt (10 R)[edit]
Agglomeration Quartus is the closest formation to Viridian Falls, possessed of immense material wealth while retaining ease-of-access due to its less clustered nature.
- Industrial 308
- Radioactive 112
- Ornamental 130
- Exotic 40
Derelict Station[edit]
Impeccably hidden within Agglomeration Quartus by arcane Eldar illusio-tech, this complex still faintly thrums with the faint residue of ancient psychic power.
- Eldar 208
Dust Cloud[edit]
A dense lilac curtain around Viridian Falls, it glows faintly with a beautiful - but inexplicable - power that defies all attempts to measure it. So far, it appears to be harmless, though.
Planet (Viridian Falls)[edit]
One of the true jewels of the Expanse, Viridian Falls is an enormous planet, possessed of mind-boggling mineral wealth and pefectly pleasant weather all-year-round. The only downside is that you theorize it is an Eldar Maiden World.
- Vast, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Temperate, Verdant
- True Moon (Large, Heavy G, Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate, Trapped Water, 2 Mineral Resources, 1 Alternate Resource)
- Industrial 98
- Radioactive 90
- Organic Compound (Vivid Accessory) 39 - Fractal crystals that glow with an innate, glorious golden light, warm and beautiful.
- True Moon (Large, Heavy G, Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate, Trapped Water, 2 Mineral Resources, 1 Alternate Resource)
- 2 Continents w/7 Territories
- Plains (Fertile, Fertile)
- Forest (Expansive)
- Plains (Expansive)
- Plains (Expansive, Expansive, Expansive)
- Forest (Expansive)
- Plains (Fertile)
- Mountain (Expansive, Expansive)
- 9 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 264
- Radioactive 207
- Ornamental 176
- 3 Alternate Resources
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) (53) - Warp-stabilization complex buried beneath the Tremlett Residence, complete with hoversharks.
- Exotic Organic Compound (105) - Lush peach-like fruit that allow anyone who partakes of them to experience the world with the impossibly sharp and heightened senses of an Eldar.
Planet (Viridius Epsilon)[edit]
The upside: Vast mineral wealth. The downside: Crushing gravity and an aggressively murderous microfungus. At least the fuzzy blue growths are really beautiful from orbit.
- Vast, High Gravity, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Cold World
- 8 Mineral Resources + 4 Alternate Resources
- Industrial 257
- Radioactive 134
- Ornamental 70
- Exotic 40
Outer Reaches[edit]
Asteroid Cluster (6 R)[edit]
- Industrial 212
- Ornamental 138
Asteroid Belt (8 R)[edit]
- Industrial 131
- Ornamental 319
- Radioactive 52
- Exotic 53
Gravity Riptide[edit]
A dangerous gravitic effect, almost impossible to detect, that tries to wrench apart vessels caught within with a screwing motion.
Gas Giant (Viridius Zeta)[edit]
- 1 Planetary Rings (Dust)
- 2 Lesser Moons
- 1 Mineral Resource (Ornamental, 28)
- 4 True Moons
- Viridius Zeta-Primus (Small, Normal G, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Temperate World, 2 Mineral Resources
Though small, one of the continents hides a vast amount of adamantium - under a chartreuse atmosphere fatal to humans.
- Ornamental 66
- Exotic 98
- Viridius Zeta-Secundus (Small & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Ice World, Inhospitable, 3 Mineral Resources, 1 Alternate Resource)
Whatever sloughed off this planet's free surface water is a mystery - the ice that remains is tainted beyond the point of any filtration.
- Industrial 162
- Ornamental 27
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) 86 - Hidden under twenty-eight meters of ice is an entire city of the Eldar, curvaceous wraithbone and corpses with faces frozen in a rictus of inimitable terror and agony.
- Viridius Zeta-Tertius (Large, Normal G, No Atmosphere, Ice World, 3 Mineral Resources, 3 Alternate Resource
Where Zeta-Secundus lost its free surface water, something violently sloughed off the atmosphere of this planet-sized moon, leaving behind towering spires of ice pointing at whatever the point of atmospheric egress was.
- Industrial 59
- Radioactive 49
- Ornamental 129
- Exotic 86
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) 72 - Another city of the Eldar, full of frozen space elves frozen in various states of mortal terror and infathomable pain.
- Viridius Zeta-Quartus (Large & Dense, Heavy G, Thin Toxic Atmosphere, Cold World, 5 Mineral Resources
Theoretically settleable, were it not for the considerable amount of chlorine in the atmosphere. Mining expeditions should make note of the sizeable gold deposits.
- Industrial 55
- Ornamental 162
- Exotic 40
Planet (Viridius Eta)[edit]
A frozen, useless chunk of rock that has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, for you even lack a mass driver large enough to use it as ammunition. Still bears the marks of the void-whale's feeding tendrils.
- Low Mass, Low G, No Atmosphere, Ice World, No Resources
Planet (Viridius Theta)[edit]
Beneath the crushing gravity, a chokingly-thick atmosphere and a shallow, corrosive sea of liquid gases covering almost the entire surface lies an army's worth of promethium, steel and other useful materials. Extraction potentially difficult.
- Vast, High G, 1 Lesser Moon, Heavy Corrosive Atmosphere, Ice World
- 7 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 235
- Ornamental 171
- Radioactive 116