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NAME: Sean McEvery
1st APP: issue # 1:1: "Group Councelling" , September 27, 2007.
QUOTE:  : "We'll be takin' that now boyo..."
BORN:  : (age: 33) London
BASE OF OPTS:  : formerly Metro City slums, currently Brick City slums
EDUCATION/CAREER:  : 6th grade
STATUS:  : USA Citizen, criminal Record

the 411

" ??? " ... (as played by ???)

Clever Nicknames:  ???
Marital Status:  ???
Known Relatives:  ???
Height / Weight / Length:  ???
Archenemy:  ???
Favorite Movie:  ???
Catch Phrase:  ???
Current Blood Pressure:  ???
Super-Powered-ness:  ???






What is your Heroic Motivation?


Complications or Character Flags

These complication or flags are things that tell the GM what the PLAYERS are interested in doing with their characters in the game. The advantage here is that the GM can look at these flags and tailor events in the game so folks are getting what they want for their characters. Any Complications on your character sheet are also flags to the GM of things you as a player want your character to confront in the game.




(list 3 people that would help you for free; list name, your relationship, their concept in 1-2 sentences, where are they now.)

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???


(list 3 people that would help you for a price; list name, your relationship, their concept in 1-2 sentences, where are they now.)

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Pete,Thank you for your answers. I aatiecrppe your willingness to go on the record. Some of your responses raised additional questions for me, which I hope you will consider answering:#1 You asked if I agree we should share what we have in Camp Hill with other school districts. I have to say, as a taxpayer in Camp Hill, I think we should mainly use our resources to maintain and improve what we have here. But it sounds like one of your interests is in saving failing schools outside of Camp Hill. Is that correct?#2 I feel the Camp Hill School district is successful because of parental and community involvement in the schools. If Camp Hill accepted students from other communities, how well do you think parents who don’t live here and might have to travel distances to get here, would support the Camp Hill schools and community? Would Camp Hill be just a place where their kids go to school, but where the families themselves have no connection? And how would that affect the students who transfer in?#3 I read about a proposal in the state senate or house (not sure which) that vouchers are not just for a few failing schools. I am concerned about what might happen to real estate values in Camp Hill if parents can live outside of Camp Hill and use vouchers to send their kids to Camp Hill? Wouldn’t it take away a big incentive to live in Camp Hill?#4 The assumption seems to be that Camp Hill parents won’t use the vouchers to leave Camp Hill. But there are already many kids here already going to parochial schools. Right now, their parents pay taxes AND tuition; so wouldn’t vouchers mean that money leaves Camp Hill? And if Camp Hill may receive the difference in state aid each student receives from his/her home school district, how much (percent-wise) would you estimate this benefit to be diminished by the transfers OUT to parochial schools?Again, thank you for your perspective and information on this issue.Regards,jd


(list 3 locations in the game setting that are important to your character, important can be "good" or "bad"; list name, your relationship, the concept in 1-2 sentences, when last you were there.)

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???


(list 3 groups in the game setting that are important to your character, important can be "good" or "bad"; list name, your relationship, the concept in 1-2 sentences, what they may be up to now.)

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???



PL: 4 (90 pp)









COSTS: = 90 / 90

Brick City