The Mountain That Burned Juzo

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Juzo the Arm

Personal Information[edit]

Age: 19 Gender: Male Concept: Wandering Braggart with a Mechanical Arm

The Great Wheel[edit]

Karma: 63

Aiki 3 Kiai 4

Fates: Emotion: Sympathy for the Weak (3), Emotion: Must be the center of attention (2)


Body: 9 Agility: 3 Senses: 5 Knowledge: 4 Spirit: 5 Empathy: 6 Station: 4

Vitality: 14/ Soul: 18/

Wounds: Light □□□□□□□□□ Heavy □□□□□ Crit □□□ Dead □

Archetypes: Kijin, Kabukimono/Punk (without Weapon), Wanderer, Fist of Acala


Skills: Unarmed Combat (4), Art of War (Fist of Acala the Immovable) (3), Marksman (3), Pillow Arts (3), Perform (2), Information (3), Notice (3), First Aid (2), Willpower (3)


Equipment: Walking Stick, Traveling Clothes, Flashy Clothes, Kijin Mechanica

Weapons: Ikari Blossom Drill (Damage +14/+16, RoF 1, Ammo 6 [Damage is +16 when Ammo is used]), Five-Barrel Gatling (Damage +3, RoF 5, Range 20m, Ammo 30)

Special Stuff[edit]

Kijin Mechanica[edit]

Kou-Class Arm Mechanica: Add +8 to the damage of muscle-powered weapons, plus the following slots.

-- Ikari Blossom Drill: This is a muscle-and-gunpowder driven drill that emerges from your arm.

-- Five-Barrel Gatling: Your fingers are actually gun-barrels powered by gunpowder.

-- Steel War Fan: A round shield extends from your arm. You may use this to give yourself +8 dice to Defend with Unarmed Combat, but if you do so, you cannot Counterattack.

Art of War[edit]

--Fist of Earth: May use Spirit instead of Body for Unarmed Combat. Unarmed Combat damage increases by 2.

--The Unmoving Fist: On defense, may use a risky counterattack in which the loser's successes are counted as 0. Unarmed Combat damage increases by 4.


A punk in really flashy, loud clothes with spiky bright red hair and a really, really big mechanical arm.


Once, Juzo was a humble monk, studying the physical arts and meditation and the wisdom of Buddha. Then he had an epiphany, and achieved enlightenment-- being a monk sucked.

Juzo is no noble, no great warrior... actually, the nobles and warriors look down on him as a mere punk, interested in flashy clothes, chasing women, and getting as drunk as possible.

They may well be right.

But he has style.

He dyes his hair and dress in clothes no one would wear, and everyone stares at him, and that's exactly how he likes it. Of course, sometimes fights start, but that's all right. After a bad one, he got a replacement arm that's big, metal, powerful, and absolutely awesome. He lives large, and is the person in the room everyone notices!

That's not all there is to him, though. The fact is, people who aren't warriors get stepped on a lot in Tenra, and that's not good. He tries to help them out, when he can.

Besides, when he does, they often buy him drinks . And that's never a bad thing.