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Tumissa is the fourth city of the Empire of Tsolyanu, capital of the province of Turunkai. It has a population of around 700,000 a large minority of whom follow the fire god Vimuhla. The city lies at the top of a small volcanic hill with a flooded crater (see map). Rumour has it this crater has underground streams which link it to the mysterious city of Hmakuyal which lies in another volcanic crater to the east.

Tumissa is dominated by the 'Red Clans' from the very high to the low; the aristrocratic Vriddi and Sword of Fire clans have clan-palaces here; the high and noble Red Sword, Red Sun, Red Mountain and Red Stone are present; the middle ranking Red Sky and Red Star clans run many farms in the immediate area; the Eye of Flame dominate the city miltia.

Other religions are present - the Chakas are after all the old kingdom of the Ito clan, and Sarku worship is quite common, and the cult of Thumis the Wise is very strong in this area. Ksarul however is pretty weak in Tumissa and its temple is becoming dilapidated.

The map shows the Turina River flowing out of the Nettu Hlakan Lake; this is a mistake. The 'Little' Turina is a tributary of the great Turina River that rises far to the northwest of Tumissa in the central Chaka hills and flows south to the sea at Penom. The Little Turina is not navigable; it has many rapids and one sizeable set of falls before it meets the Turina proper at the village of Oko'utume three miles south-east of Tumissa.

References: MAR Barker, Tekumel Source Book Vol.1 Book 1. p. 57


Temple of Ksarul, Tumissa