Akuma and Other Bad Guys
Gunstar Autochthonia: Raiton Wing
The Beast That Stole Love From the Heart of All Worlds
Ecstatic of Hegra

Urge: Sew death and despair in all rebellious mortals
Theme Song: "God Damn the Sun" by the Swans
Tail-eating Madness Hurricane Shintai: A vast, encroaching, immaterial storm of darkness and negative emotions. The infernal exists at the eye of the storm, and only there can be permanently harmed.
The Beast manifests most often as a silent, streaming whirlwind of suffering and loss, an inky shadow against the black of space. Her forces are more subtle than those of most Green Sun princes; she rarely tries direct assault, but prefers subtle insertions. The first sign that one of her attacks is underway is often a wave of suicides rocking the Populat, as shadow-stealing Bisclavarets turn brother against brother, and workers hurl themselves beneath the hammers of industry, gripped by suicidal despair.
Conquering Sign
Three-faced Sovereign of the Empyreal Chaos

Theme Song:
Motivation: Take Possession of Autocthonia
Urge: Take Possession of Autocthonia
One of the greatest and oldest of the Primordial’s new “Titanic” Exalted, Conquering Sign is the foremost among Theion’s armies. He/She/It – with the level of extreme mutation has undergone, it’s impossible to classify this Sovereign – is a living war machine; its blazing shintai body is permanently housed inside a triptych masked flying armored colossus. It leads every pitched battle personally, carving open holes in the Gunstar Defense Line with a sweep of its massive hellklaive.
Of all the Green Sun Princes, Conquering Signs aims and ambitions are the most obvious and easily understood. S/He does not seek Autocthonia's destruction; s/he wants to rule it. And when the day comes that the crippled primordial is finally brought to heel, Conquering Sign will hollow Autochthon out and use him for a throne room.
Effulgent Lim
The Dancer Between Dreams
Prominence of Ligier

Rank: Green Moon Prince
Caste: Harvest-moon Lunar
Totem: Moray Eel
Age: 37
Fighting Style: Infernal Monster
Theme Song: "The World Is Not Enough" by Garbage.
- Love Theme: "Tattooed Women" by Tijuana Sweetheart
Temujin's mate.
The Empress of Memes
Rhapsode of Elloge, the Sphere of Speech

Let be be the finality of dream,
The only Empress is the Empress of Memes.
Essence: 3d10
Temperance d10, Conviction d8, Compassion d6, Valor d6
- Dance, Puppets, Dance
- Viral replication
- Neverending Story
Physical d6/-- Mental d8 Social d10
1st Elloge Excellency d10, Ten Thousand Eyes d8, Fluid Body d6
Laughing Cat Epidemiology Shintai: the Empress expands into an invisible sphere of abstract symbols, becoming a being of pure information. She can no longer manipulate physical objects except by compelling others to do so or through symbolic representation. She is immune to, and incapable of directly causing, physical stress or complications.
re: Your Brains: When Empress causes at least d8 stress or complication to someone, she becomes aware of one of a character’s Distinctions and can, at her discretion, temporarily disable it. Until the end of the scene, the character may only gain d4 when calling on it and forfeits the point of essence.
F***ing Thematics, How Do They Work?: At the beginning of a scene, the Empress can name a single overarching emotional or mental resonance or motivation, such as “Guilt” or “Revenge” or “Loss”. Until the end of the scene, she steps up the lowest die of any roll attempting to create complications or scene distinctions in line with this theme.
Red Shirt: The Empress can sacrifice a minion to save herself. Once per turn she may spend a group die from a Mob under her influence to attempt a Recovery as a free action. The mob’s die is then added to the Doom Pool.
The 1st Elloge Excellency
The Sphere of Speech is the author of linguistics and correspondence. At the dawn of time it was her genius that foresaw the need for abstract symbols to facilitate communication between beings with differing viewpoints. She is subtle and cautious, but also narcissistic; as the inventor of drama she cannot resist a grand dramatic gesture. She persists within herself, turning ever inward to read the stories of her own spheres. The ephemeral bodyless jotun of Elloge is bound only by the consequences of her own narrative, and once committed to a story arc she relents only at the point of absolute failure.
Characters may apply this charm to any actions made to facilitate communication, inspire artistic license, spread new ideas, or to influence the minds of others without their knowledge, as well as in any attempt to create writing or abstract symbols or ciphers. Because Elloge hoards knowledge and despises loss; it can also assist any effort to preserve life, memories, or the written word in the face of destruction. It cannot be used to directly cause physical destruction; Elloge appreciates violence only in the abstract, although she does not mind the destruction of scenery or extras. It can, however, be used to assist actions intended to affect transformative change against someone's will, as long as the result is arguably more interesting than the ingredients.
Lesser Threats
Lucky Dog Aramu
Mortals are people too!

Theme Song: "Ni**as in Paris" by Kanye West and Jay-Z
Lucky Dog Aramu, or Glass Aramu, is the richest glot boss in Claslat. Over the last ten years, since the departure of Foxtailed Natal, he's turned himself into something a bit more than that; he's begun consolidating some of the other glot-boss factions into something akin to a working crime syndicate. Since crime in Autochthon has never been organized before, many of Claslat's metropoli and patropoli aren't sure how to respond to this oddity.
Sweet Ree

Theme Song: "Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine
Aramu's Girl Friday. Former ally of Natal, knows Terrestrial martial arts.