ISS Tenalphi Sunrise
- Class: Type SX Frontiersman
- Hull: 150 ton Streamlined Hull 3, Structure 3
- Performance: Jump-2, 2-Gs Acceleration, (Capable of Jump-4 with drop tanks, no module attached, and appropriate software. 4-G Acceleration without module)
- Bridge: Compact Bridge (-1 to tasks due to cramped conditions), Holographic Controls (+2 Initiative)
- Computer: Model 4, Model 1bis as backup
- Electronics: Advanced Sensors (+1 DM)
- Weapons: 1 triple turret (Sandcaster, Beam Laser(Accurate +1 DM), Missile Launcher)
- Fuel: 38 tons, allows 1 Jump-2 and 28 days normal operation
- Cargo: 2 tons internal, normally used to store 20 sand barrels, and 10 missiles
- Accommodations: 4 double cabins (smallish cramped stateroom, configured with 2-tier bunk-bed, 1 chair, dropdown table, fresher, and 2 footlockers...think World War 2 style warship junior officer quarters)
- Extras: 50-ton Modular Bay, 4 Advanced Probe Drones, Repair Drones, Fuel Scoops, 1 ton Fuel Processor (20 tons/day), Air Raft
- Software: Jump Control/2, Maneuver/0, Fire Control/2, Evade/2, Library/1, Intellect
- Crew Requirement (Minimum): Pilot, Engineer, Gunner
- Crew Requirement (Average): 3 Pilots, Navigator, Engineer, Gunner
- Crew Requirement (Full): 3 Pilots + backups, Navigator + Backup, 3 Engineers, 2 Gunners. (Clearly this ship is not designed to be crewed to naval/mega-corporate levels.)
- Currently fitted with Modular Cargo Bay, which adds: Airlock, 46 tons Cargo. The Cargo Module is also fitted with 2 points of Titanium armor.