The End of the Hantei Bayushi Mihime
Personal Data
Bayushi Mihime (Mitsuki)
Age: 16
Daughter Number: 1
Homeland: Ryoko Owari
Culture: Rokugani (Scorpion)
Religion: Scorpion (Deceitful, Energetic, Suspicious, Vengeful): +2 Movement Rate, +1 Damage
Father: Bayushi
Father's Class: Vassal Samurai
Lord: Bayushi Shonaru
Current Class: Vassal Samurai
Current Home: Kyuden Bayushi
Glory: 1268
Size 8 Dex 14 Str 10 Con 15 App 18 +1 Bonus pick, total 19
Damage 3d6 Heal3 Hit Points 23 Knockdown 8 Major Wound 15 Move 2, +2 Scorpion, total 4 Unconscious 6
- Chaste 13/07 Lustful
- Energetic 13/07 Lazy
- Forgiving 07/13 Vengeful
- Generous 10/10 Selfish
- Honest 07/13 Deceitful
- Just 10/10 Arbitrary
- Merciful 10/10 Cruel
- Modest 16/04 Proud
- Pious 10/10 Worldly
- Prudent 10/10 Reckless
- Temperate 10/10 Indulgent
- Trusting 07/13 Suspicious
- Valorous 10/10 Cowardly
Directed Trait: Untrustworthy +3
- Loyalty (Clan) 19
- Loyalty (Emperor) 15
- Love (Family) 15
- Honor 12
- Hospitality 12
- Loyalty (Vassals) 10
- Concern (My Heimin) 7
Non-Combat Skills
Family Characteristic: +5 Dangerous Beauty
Acting 5 +5 Bonus pick, total 10
Artisan 5
Awareness 7 +8 Skills, total 15
Chirurgery 9 +1 Skills
Calligraphy 5
Compose 2
Courtesy 6
Dancing 4
Falconry 3
Fashion 5
First Aid 8
Flirting Use Dangerous Beauty
Folklore 2
Gaming 3
Heraldry 4 +6 Skills, total 10
History 3
Hunting 0
Intrigue Use Dangerous Beauty
Lore 2 (Set to 10) +5 Bonus pick
Meditation 3
Orate 5
Play 3
Recognize 5 (Set to 10) +5 Bonus pick, total 15
Religion 2
Romance 5
Sailing 0
Shadowlands Lore 0
Singing 3
Spellcraft 0
Stewardship 5 (Set to 10) +5 Bonus pick, total 15 [B]
Swimming 1
Tea Ceremony 5
Combat Skills
Battle 1
Siege 2
Horsemanship 3
Small Weapons 3
Special Skill
Dangerous Beauty 5 (Set to 15) +5 Family Bonus, total 20
Weakness is my Strength: When using Intrigue to gossip you get +2, when making an opposed social roll you get +1 to your skill for every applicable Directed Trait or Passion the target has that could be a liability.
Extravagant Clothing, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack, Riding Pony, Sumpter, 5 koku