The End of the Hantei Rules

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This page has rules changes and conversions to better handle L5R's setting and genre assumptions.

Combat Rules

Dual wielding: Using a weapon in each hand gives -2 to Combat Skills if the weapon is Small or -5 if it is 1-handed in exchange for a +3 shield bonus. You also have the advantage of choosing which weapon to attack with each turn. If both weapons are identical you also increase the damage you deal by +1d6.

Tied Attack Rolls: Instead of counting as a failure for both fighters, ties counts as normal successes for both. Thus damage is inflicted to both.

Critical Success: Rather than treating all Crits as a roll of 20 use the actual result or 20 whichever is greater. You only deal double damage if the enemy fails or has a normal success. If the opponent has a Crit with a lower value treat that as a Minor Success and do only normal damage. On a tied crit both fighters take normal damage.

Weapon Breakage: On a Fumble your weapon breaks as normal. You may also choose to break your weapon on a Minor Success to gain a shield bonus to your armor: Small or hafted weapons grant +3, metal weapons +6. Two-handed weapons and Katana grant an additional +3. This bonus is cumulative with all other shield bonuses. If you are wielding 2 weapons you may choose to break either of them on a Minor Success. On a Fumble your opponent chooses which breaks.

New Skills

  • Artisan: Replaces Industry. You must select a specialty. Separate specialties are entirely separate skills. You gain Glory if you create a gift and present it in public.
  • Calligraphy: You always gain Ordinary Glory when using Calligraphy if you display your works.
  • Lore: Education of all kinds not covered by other skills. You must choose a specialty as per Artisan.
  • Meditation: Used to recover Passions, Spells and Kiho. Successful use of meditation prior to an activity can grant a bonus to the first skill roll used at GM discretion.
  • Shadowlands Lore: Replaces Faerie Lore, used to identify Tainted creatures and landmarks in the Shadowlands.
  • Spellcraft: Used to learn and identify magic.
  • Tea Ceremony: Gain Ordinary Glory and participants can recover use of Passion or snap out of Melancholy.