The End of the Hantei Techs
Gaining Techniques[edit]
Placeholder Text
Hida Bushi[edit]
- Way of the Crab: Ignore all DEX penalties from armor except for stealth rolls. When wearing Light armor increase the Combat bonus to +2. Increase the damage when you use a Heavy Weapon by +2.
- The Mountain Does Not Move: Gain Armor = your Healing Rate. This works like Armor of Bushido and stacks with both it and worn armor.
Agasha Shugenja[edit]
- Flesh of the Elements: +5 when casting spells with the Craft keyword. Additionally you can imbue potions with your magic allowing you to cast a spell that targets 1 person and hold it in reserve. The spell is then activated by drinking the liquid or splashing it on the target. The latter requires a successful DEX roll to hit. Anyone may use the imbued potion and it lasts indefinitely unless the shugenja willfully ends the effect. While the duration is in effect the potion counts as a spell cast that day. All spells infused in this way are considered to have the Craft keyword.
Mirumoto Bushi[edit]
- Way of the Dragon: You suffer no penalty when wielding a wakizashi in your offhand and you increase the shield bonus of your wakizashi by +1. When you or an item you are holding are the target of a spell you may either gain a +5/-5 reflexive bonus to resist the spell or give the caster +5 to their skill.
Bayushi Courtier[edit]
- Weakness is my Strength: You are adept at using other people's failings against them as well as spreading and identifying rumors. When using Intrigue to gossip you get +2, when making an opposed social roll you get +1 to your skill for every applicable Directed Trait or Passion the target has that could be a liability.
- Shallow Waters: With an opposed roll of Intrigue vs Courtier you learn the rating of the weakest Passion, Trait or Directed Trait of the opponent. If they fail you learn the next weakest and if you Crit then you learn the third weakest as well.
Shosuro Inflitrator[edit]
- Path of Shadows: You have mastered the art of invisibility. You do not risk Honor loss when using ninja weapons or low skills nor when attacking by surprise. You gain +2 to all stealth rolls (sneaking, shadowing, being ignored at court, stalking in the wilderness, etc).
- Strike From Darkness: When making a Surprise Attack you add your Movement Rate to your weapon skill. When attacking an enemy who is Blinded, Stunned, Knocked-down, etc add half your Movement Rate to your skill. These effects do not stack.