The Dwarven City of Arduum

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The Dwarven City of Arduum

Located in the mountains near Switchback Keep, this city was once a magnificent dwarven stronghold, led by the dwarf hero Bazrak Firehammer. He literally carved out his small holding from the hands of the goblins in the old days, and his domain lived in peace with the nearby human lands.

But this was before the human kingdoms declined and their trade routes were once again overcome by humanoid monsters. After a few generations of less capable leadership, and with the waning power of the human kings, the small kingdom grew weak. The great halls and fortifications fell into disrepair, and when the Goblin King Garbaga rose to power, the remaining dwarves were helpless to stop him from driving them from their ancestral home.

Several groups of survivors escaped from the final defeat of Arduum, and are now wandering the lands in search of a new home.

Arduum in the dwarven tongue means "Blood Home": Ara meaning blood, duum meaning home or manor.