Korban Ironrock - Dwarf Dwarven Waraxe Master Fighter
Korban is the son of Grodan Ironrock, a prominent warrior of his clan. Both father and mother came from families of wealth, so Korban never lacked for funds. He gleefully trained up in the profession of his father, and now that his training is complete, has taken a job as a guard with a dwarven trade caravan to get some experience under his beard.
Korban is a very muscular dwarf, notably broad and bulky, even in dwarven terms. He has the traditional glower of his clan, his grey eyes are deepset, his black beard long in the best tradition of a dwarf of good family.
Korban Ironrock
- Dwarf Dwarven Waraxe Master Fighter 1
- N Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
- Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
- AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +3 shield) +4 vs. Giants
- CMD 15, +4 vs. Trip and Bull Rush while standing on ground.
- hp 13 (1d10+3)
- Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +2
- Speed 20 ft. BAB +1
- Melee Masterwork Dwarven Waraxe +7 (1d10+4/x3), Heavy Mace +5 (1d8+4), Shortsword +5 (1d6+4/19-20), Dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20), Gauntlet +5 (1d3+4)
- Ranged Throwing Axe +1 (1d6+4), Dagger +1 (1d4+4/19-20) CMB +5
Statistics Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 9
- Feats Weapon Focus: Dwarven Waraxe, Shield Focus
- Traits Armor Expert, Rich Parents
- Skills Climb +0, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Survival +6
- Languages Common, Dwarf
- Weapons: Masterwork Dwarven Waraxe, Morning Star, Shortsword, Dagger, Throwing Axe
- Armor & Shield: Splint Mail, Hvy. Steel Shield
- Magical/Special Gear: 20 Sunrods, 20 Tindertwigs, Potion of Cure Light Wounds
- Other Gear: Backpack, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, 2 sets Caltrops, 10 pc. Chalk, Crowbar, 10 fish hooks, Flint and Steel, Grappling Hook, Hammer, 10 Pitons, 2 Belt Pouches, 20 days trail rations, 10 empty sacks, 2 lbs. soap, Tent, 4 Waterskins, Traveler's Outfit, Explorer's Outfit, Cold Weather Outfit, Kalinka's bag, 4 jugs common wine
- Livestock & Tack: Mule, Packsaddle
Special Abilities (not otherwise shown)
- Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only)
- Greed +2 on Appraise checks to determine value of non-magical items containing gold or gems.
- Hatred +1 to hit against orcs and goblins
- Hardy +2 on saves vs. poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities
- Stonecunning +2 on checks to notice unusual stonework, automatic check when within 10 feet
Experience Earned
- 700 xp, 3/29/13