Keep at Goblinfell Pass

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Revision as of 11:23, 6 April 2013 by (talk) (Repairs Needed (Costs))
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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands

Memorial Stone

Here, on the nineteenth of June, in the year six hundred and ninety-nine

The Order of Cleansing Fire

By magic fell and might unbounded

Slew Garbaga, king of the goblins

And uncounted of his retinue.

Let this day be remembered

And pray for days of peace and mercy

When you do

What needed to be done was done

Repairs Needed (Costs)

  • 24,500 gp total:
  • 13,000 (12,250 + 750 for engineer): Main Keep and inner buildings (incl tavern)
  • 13,000 (12,250 + 750 for engineer): Gatehouse and outer towers

Dayrell and henchmen: 5000 gp 326 pp = (1630 gp) / 2,000 gp / 220 ep = (110 gp) / 12,600 sp = (1260 gp)

  • The mini murder hobo mob" Knuckles and co.
    • 6105gcs

FROM THE OC THREAD: "Repairs: the keep's initial cost was 245,000 gp. I figure you need 20% of that to fully repair it and stock it with furniture, etc. You can pay half of that to get the main keep and inner buildings (tavern included) up and running. You can pay the other half to get the gatehouse and outer towers fully functional. You'll need to pay an engineer 750 gp/month to organize it, but the cost of workers is included in the building costs.

I haven't done figuring yet. Can you come up with 24,500 to do all the repairs? Can you come up with 12,250 to do half? It'll take a full month to do each part of the work, so two months will complete it."


  • Ground floor Switchbackkeep1.jpg
  • Main floor Switchbackkeep2.jpg
  • Level 3 Switchbackkeep3.jpg
  • Level 4 Switchbackkeep4.jpg
  • Upper Levels and Roof Switchbackkeep5.jpg


  • Square Keep: 60' x 60' base; 80' tall; located center of back wall
  • 4 Round Towers: 20' base; 30' tall;
  • Barbican:
    • Gathouse: 20' x 30'; 20' high; portcullis
    • 2 Square towers: 20' x 30'; 30' high
  • Walls: 300' total length; 20' tall
  • 1 Barracks: 20' x 40'; 20' high
  • 2 Stables: 20' x 40'; 20' high; second storage is barracks
  • 2 Storage: 20' x 40'; 20' high; second storage living space
  • 1 Inn/tavern: 20'x40'; 20' high; second storage rooms
  • Total construction costs: 245000 gp