Another Seven Samurai Ru

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Ru the Rat[edit]

The Great Wheel[edit]

Archetypes: Ninja Apprentice, Thief, Paragon

Karma: 50


Body: 5

Agility: 9

Senses: 6

Knowledge: 4

Spirit: 7

Empathy: 7

Station: 1

Secondary Attributes[edit]

Vitality: 12

Soul: 22


Light 3

Heavy 2;

Crit 1;

Dead 1;


Movement (3)

Stealth (3)

Forgery (2)

Criminal Arts (2)

Art of War [Migawari-Style Marksmanship] (4)

Ninjutsu [Ghost Clan] (2)

Willpower (2)

First Aid (2)

Evasion (2)

Marksman (3)


Thieves' Tools

Ninja Tools

Kunai (Damage +2, RoF 3, Range 10m, Ammo LOTS)

Ghost Clan Ninjutsu[edit]

Path of Broken Steel: You may use Ninjutsu in place of Unarmed Combat.

Path of Broken Earth: You move at double speed in combat. Each time you attack an enemy for the first time in this combat, you get 2 extra dice for the first attack.

Ninja Duplication: You may make an Agility/Ninjutsu roll to create duplicates of yourself for 2 Soul per Duplicate. These Duplicates have stats and skills of 1, no Wound Boxes, and 1 Vitality. They last (Spiritx2) rounds, and always look like you. You do not share their senses. They last for 14 rounds (or minutes, outside of combat) and give you a bonus of 1 die per duplicate while active to any activity where the distraction of having a dozen Rus around would be useful. Any successes that you roll above 1, you may save as extra dice for a future roll.

Migawari-Style Marksmanship[edit]

Quick Shot: Your hands move like lightning when throwing weapons. Use Agility instead of Senses with Marksman.

Two-Hand Shot: You throw vast numbers of weapons, increasing the RoF of your thrown weapon by your Agility, but you cannot use Ammo that you do not have.

Soul-Splitter: You can intercept arrows and even bullets with your thrown weapons. You may use Marksman to Defend against ranged attacks.


Emotion (2) [0]

Secret(3) [10]

Destiny: Impress Kiyone with your Mad Skillz (4) [40]


Background: Life in poverty is hard. Hey, go figure! Having a family would be nice, too, but you can handle things by yourself. So, you live on the streets. That's fine. You're actually very tough, with a few borrowed secrets from some Shinobi types, and an absolute mastery of thrown weapons. To be honest, though, it kinda bites, so what you'd really like is to have some serious money. With that, good clothes and food would be yours, and what else do you really want?

Certainly not a family. Nope. That's one thing you absolutely do not need.

...Keep telling yourself that, because there's no way you'd get one.