Dungeon Survival Horror The Hollow Prison

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This is the wiki page for the play-by-post "The Hollow Prison", using Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition.

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Player Characters

Durinn, Dwarf Cleric

played by Safid

Class: Cleric 3 Alignment: LG

  • Strength: 16 (+1 damage, 70 lbs unencumbered weight allowed, 195 lbs max press, open doors 1-9 on 1d20, bend bars/lift gates 10%)
  • Dexterity: 10
  • Constitution: 12 (80% system shock, 85% resurrection survival)
  • Intelligence: 14 (4 languages)
  • Wisdom: 13 (1 bonus 1st level spell)
  • Charisma: 10 (4 henchmen)

Secondary Skill: Siege Engineer

Languages: Dwarf, Common, Goblin, Troll, Gnome


  • AC: 9
  • HP: 20/20
  • THAC0: 20
  • Weapon/Damage: 1d8+1 (Axe)

Class/Race Features:

  • Turn Undead
  • Priest of Moradin -- Mending 2/day
  • Major access to the spheres of All, Combat, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Sun
  • Minor access to the spheres of Astral, Elemental Earth, Necromantic
  • +3 to save vs wands/spells/poison
  • +1 to hit goblinoids
  • +4 AC vs giants
  • 60' infravision
  • Dwarven stonesense


  • 1st level (3/day)
    • CLW
    • Shillelagh
    • Protection from Evil
  • 2nd level (1/day)
    • Barkskin


  • Angel's Medallion
  • Stone Axe
  • Shield
  • spare wood rolled up in fur cloak
  • 2 broken brass lanterns
  • 3 sacks dried meat
  • 2 sacks
  • Flint and Steel

Justin Oxton, Human Paladin

played by GM Sdrawkcab

Class and Level: Paladin 2

Alignment: LG

  • Strength: 12 (45 lb unencumbered weight allowance, 140 lb max press, open doors 1-7 on 1d20, 4% bend bars/lift gates)
  • Dexterity: 6 (+1 defensive adjustment)
  • Constitution: 9 (65% system shock, 70% resurrection survival)
  • Intelligence: 9 (2 languages)
  • Wisdom: 14
  • Charisma: 17 (10 henchmen, +6 loyalty base, +6 reaction adjustment)

Secondary Skill: Farmer

Languages: Common, Western, Goblin


  • AC: 9
  • HP: 20
  • THAC0: 19
  • Weapon/Damage: 1d10 (two-handed sword)

Class/Race Features:

  • A paladin can detect the presence of evil intent up to 60 feet away by concentrating on locating evil in a particular direction. He can do this as often as desired, but each attempt takes one round. This ability detects evil monsters and characters.
  • A paladin receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
  • A paladin is immune to all forms of disease. (Note that certain magical afflictions -- lycanthropy and mummy rot --are curses and not diseases.)
  • A paladin can heal by laying on hands. The paladin restores 2 hit points per experience level. He can heal himself or someone else, but only once per day.
  • A paladin can cure diseases of all sorts (though not cursed afflictions such as lycanthropy). This can be done only once per week for each five levels of experience once per week at levels 1 through 5, twice per week at levels 6 through 10, etc.).
  • A paladin is surrounded by an aura of protection with a 10-foot radius. Within this radius, all summoned and specifically evil creatures suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls, regardless of whom they attack. Creatures affected by this aura can spot its source easily, even if the paladin is disguised.



  • Angel's two-handed sword
  • Padded armor

Background: Justin was a farmer in a small village. It was raided by orcs who slaughtered most of the people. He was one of the survivors, somehow blessed by the gods as a paladin.

Demise: While following the orcs to their leader, he slipped and fell off a natural stone bridge in the caverns.

Jamril Vanelon, Half-Elf Mage/Cleric

played by Jolinar

Class and Level: Half-Elf Mage 1 / Cleric 2 Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Strength: 6 (-1 to hit, 20 lb unencumbered weight allowance, 55 lb max press, open doors 4-in-20, 0% bend bar/lift gates)
  • Dexterity: 7
  • Constitution: 12 (80% system shock, 85% resurrection survival)
  • Intelligence: 15 (4 languages, max 7th level spells, 65% learn spells)
  • Wisdom: 15 (+1 magical defense adjustment, 2 bonus 1st level spells, 1 bonus 2nd level spell)
  • Charisma: 15 (max 7 henchmen, +3 loyalty base, +3 reaction adjustment)

Secondary Skill: Herbalist

Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Northern, Western


  • AC: 10
  • HP: 10
  • THAC0: 20
  • Weapon/Damage: 1d6 (wooden club, -1 to hit)

Class/Race Features:

  • 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells, 60' infravision, 1-in-6 chance of passively detecting concealed doors within 10', 2-in-6 chance of actively detecting hidden doors, 3-in-6 chance of actively detecting concealed doors
  • Permitted Weapons: Club, quarterstaff, sling, staff sling, thrown rocks, net, lasso
  • Major access to the spheres of All, Animal, Divination, Healing, Plant, Protection, Sun
  • Minor access to the spheres of Charm, Creation, Elemental Air, Elemental Water, Summoning
  • Turn Undead
  • Soothing Word once per day. This may remove fear or other harmful emotion-affecting magic from all within 20 feet of the priest, with a 50% + 2% per level chance per individual. It may also be used to add +2 to initial reactions with others. The use of soothing word is obvious and visible, so if the individuals it is being used on are suspicious of magic or are paranoid, it may be interpreted as an attack.
  • May use a spell slot that has been prepared with another spell that has not yet been cast to convert it to a cure light wounds, even if the spell slot being converted is higher than 1st level.

Cleric 'Spells: Bless, Create Water, Light, Protection from Evil

Mage Spells: Sleep


  • wooden club
  • scroll case with spell book and blank parchment
  • 2 small sacks of rice
  • fur cloak

Description: Jamril himself is thin and pale with an unhealthy cast. Like he's just getting over a terrible illness. Faint circles under his eyes and a hollowness to his cheeks lend credence to that theory. He favors robes with long sleeves and shirts with high collars... to hide the bite marks.

Jamril's village was infiltrated by a vampire, that either turned or killed the villagers. The priest and his two acolytes tried to stop the vampires, but they were overwhelmed, aided by the betrayal of the other acolyte. Lured by promises of power and immortality, he led Jamril and the priest into a trap. The priest was slaughtered immediately, the acolyte was turned, and Jamril died slowly over the course of two weeks while the Master decided if he was to be turned or slaughtered.

He died with fangs buried in his throat.

Kethro Ruhar, Elf Thief

Windwalker Dreamwise

played by neuronphaser

Class and Level: Thief 3 (XP 3600 / Next 5000)

Alignment: Neutral

  • Strength: 12 / Hit Prob. Normal, Damage Adj. None, Weight Allowance 45 lbs., Max. Press 140 lbs., Open Doors 1-7 on 1d20, Bend Bars/Lift Gates 4%
  • Dexterity: (14+1) 15 / Reaction Adj. 0, Missile Attack Adj. 0, Defensive Adjustment (dodge saves and AC) -1
  • Constitution: (11-1) 10 / Hit Point Adj. 0, System Shock 70%, Resurrection Survival 75%, Poison Save 0, Regeneration Nil
  • Intelligence: 10 / Bonus Languages 2 (Elven, Common, Gnome), Spell Lvl (wizard) 5th, Chance to Learn Spell (wizard) 40%, Illusion Immunity None
  • Wisdom: 7 / Magical Defense Adj. (mind-affecting spell saves) -1, Bonus Spells (priest) None, Chance of Spell Fail (priest) 30%, Spell Immunity None
  • Charisma: 9 / Max Henchmen 4, Loyalty Base 0, Reaction Adj. 0

Secondary Skill: Scribe (reading, writing, basic math)


  • AC: (10 -1 dex) 9
  • HP: 15 (HD 3d6)
  • THAC0: 19
  • Parry Bonus (1/2 level): +2
  • Weapon/Damage: 1d6 (short sword), 1d3 (knife), 1d4 (stone arrow)

Racial Features:

  • Resistance to sleep and all charm-related spells 90% in addition to the normal save allowed against charm spells.
  • +1 to attack with any bow (except crossbows), short sword, or long sword.
  • When in non-metal armor and either alone or in a party of elves or halflings (also in non-metal armor), or 90' away from his party, opponents receive a -4 penalty to their surprise rolls, or -2 if the elf must open a door or screen to attack.
  • Infravision 60 feet.
  • Detect concealed doors within 10' 1 on 1d6; actively search for concealed portals 1-3 on 1d6 or secret doors 1-2 on 1d6.

Thief Skills:

Armor Adjustments are for No Armor/Elven Chain/Padded or Studded Leather, respectively.

  • Pick Pockets (Armor Adj. +5/-20/-30) 20%
  • Open Locks (Armor Adj. 0/-5/-10) 35%
  • Find/Remove Traps (Armor Adj. 0/-5/-10) 40%
  • Move Silently (Armor Adj. +10/-10/-20) 30%
  • Hide In Shadows (Armor Adj. +5/-10/-20) 35%
  • Detect Noise (Armor Adj. 0/-5/-10) 35%
  • Climb Walls (Armor Adj. +10/-20/-30) 65%
  • Read Languages (Armor Adj. 0/0/0) 0%

Thief Abilities:

  • Weapon Proficiency: Club, dagger, dart, hand crossbow, knife, lasso, short bow, sling, broad sword, long sword, short sword, staff
  • Armor Proficiency: Leather, studded leather, padded leather, elven chain armor
  • Backstab: Opponent must be unaware, and thief must be attacking from behind. Level/Damage Multiplier is 1-4/x2, 5-8/x3, 9-12/x4, 13+/x5. Multiplier applies before Strength and other bonuses to damage.
  • Thieves' Cant: Communicate through thief-only language; must share a commonly spoken language.
  • Use Scrolls (level 10): Use wizard/priest scrolls, 25% chance of reversed effect.
  • Attract Followers (level 10): Attract 4d6 followers.


  • None


  • (1) short sword
  • (1) knife
  • (1) short bow
  • (1) quiver with 8 stone arrows (1d4 damage)
  • (3) sticks incense
  • (1) bottle of fragrant oil

Vital Statistics:

  • Age: 119 years old; Maximum Age Range 497
  • Height: 4' 11"
  • Weight: 114 lbs.

Appearance: Fair-skinned and slight of build, Kethro's features suggest he is utilitarian and likes to be able to move freely. He wears his auburn hair somewhat unkempt, but no longer than shoulder-length. He's quick to smile and crack wise, but his slightly narrow-set eyes give him a piercing look, which can be offsetting to new acquaintances.

Background: When his village was razed by orcs, Kethro found himself living largely alone, stealing from human farms and halfling thorps. He was taken in -- off and on -- by friendly gnomes living on the edge of the woodland realm that the elf once called home, and he was saddened daily by the reminder that darkness and war had encroached on once-beautiful treehomes, now cinders.

In his 119th year, the orcs and goblins spilled from the forest, hacking down gnome, halfling, and human alike in an orgy of destruction and fire. Kethro was among those rallied by a Paladin of a human temple nearby, and he fought from the shadows against the humanoids, but to no avail. Finally, a blackened orcish spearhead pierced Kethro's chest, and he died an agonizingly slow death, bleeding out on the banks of a river alight with the reflections of burning homesteads, and thickened by the blood of hundreds who died.

Personality: Once a grim rogue, forced to live off the scraps of "civilized society," Kethro sees his newfound fate as a second lease on life -- of a sort, anyway -- and hopes to make some good of it. Perhaps the Paladin rubbed off on him a bit, or perhaps Kethro now has reason to believe in things like karma, but he's edging ever so slightly towards Good in his nature, even if it's a slightly modified version of it, to take into account the morality he was forced to adapt as a thief.

Alfurr, Human Fighter


Class and Level: Fighter, level 2

XP: 3,600 (next 4,000)

Alignment: CN

  • Strength: 10 (40 lb unencumbered weight allowance, 115 lb max press, open doors 1-6 on 1d20, 2% bend bars/lift gates)
  • Dexterity: 10
  • Constitution: 14 (88% system shock, 92% resurrection survival)
  • Intelligence: 10 (2 languages)
  • Wisdom: 8
  • Charisma: 11 (4 henchmen)

Secondary Skill: Hunter (butchery, tracking, wood lore)


  • AC: 10
  • HP: 20
  • THAC0: 19
  • Weapon/Damage: 1d6 (club)

Class/Race Features: Universally accepted, excepting the fact that he's quite rough around he edges

Spells: Nope.


  • club
  • candlestick with candle

Background: Alfurr died when his neck was bitten by a nobleman's sword. But he died with an axe in his hand. So he will now drink mead in the halls of his gods!

Hadred the Pale

played by MonsterMash

  • Class and Level: Magic User L2 (3,600/500)
  • Race: Human
  • Alignment: NG
  • Strength: 6 (-1 to hit, 20 lb unencumbered weight allowance, 55 lb max press, open doors 1-4 on 1d20)
  • Dexterity: 13
  • Constitution: 8 (60% system shock, 65% resurrection survival)
  • Intelligence: 14 (4 languages, max spell level 7th, 60% chance to learn spell)
  • Wisdom: 13
  • Charisma: 12 (5 henchmen)

Secondary Skill: Scribe Languages: Eastern (native), Common, Ogre, Elf, Dwarf


  • AC: 10
  • HP: 6/8
  • THAC0: 20
  • Weapon/Damage: 1d3 (steel knife, -1 to hit)

Class/Race Features:


  • Charm Person
  • Sleep

Equipment: Ink and Pen, Jar(large) of lamp oil, steel knife

Geridel Jayflight, Human Bard

played by CalamaroJoe

Class and Level: Bard 3 (XP 3600/5000)

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral/Good

  • Strength: 10 (hit/damage: 0; weight: 40; max press: 115; open doors: 6; bend bars: 2%)
  • Dexterity: 12 (0)
  • Constitution: 14 (HP adjustment: 0; system shock: 88%; resurrection: 92%; poison save: 0)
  • Intelligence: 16 (languages: 5; chance to learn spell: 70%)
  • Wisdom: 10 (0)
  • Charisma: 15 (max. henchmen: 7; loyalty base: +3; reaction adjustment: +3)

Secondary Skill: Court attendant (heraldry, etiquette)

Instrument: Flute

Languages: Common, Western, Southern, Elven, Sylvan, Dragon


  • AC: 10
  • HP: 17/18
  • THAC0: 19
  • Weapon/Damage: macahuitl / 1-8/1-8

Class Features:

  • Can use any weapon
  • Can wear armor up to chain mail, cannot use a shield
  • Influence reactions
  • Rally friends and allies
  • Counter magical attacks involving songs and poetry
  • Knowledge of local history
  • Identify general purpose and functions of magic items (5% per level = 15%)
  • Bard abilities (base + points for levels + armor):
    • Climb walls: 50% + 10% + 10% = 70%
    • Detect Noise: 20% + 20% + 0% = 40%
    • Pick pockets: 10% + 0% + 5% = 15%
    • Read Languages: 5% + 20% + 0% = 25%


  • Charm person
  • Color spray


  • macahuitl
  • 2x empty gourds
  • large wicker basket
  • small sack
    • glass bottle
    • 8x long-burning candles
    • 5 yards hemp rope
    • 1 bottle of old wine
    • wooden club
  • stone spear

Background: Geridel always traveled a lot in his lust for learning stories and knowing new cultures. He then joined the company of baron Geoffrey Wyne in his years-long campaign against the orc tribes, as a fighting man and court minstrel. In an unfortunate battle he died at the side of his patron.

Special Rules


Mages and specialty wizards can cast specific applications of the cantrip spell as often as they like. Remember that in 2nd edition, cantrips have a number of restrictions beyond that of other editions. They can't do damage, cannot affect spellcaster concentration, and if used to create temporary materials, they're obviously magical and extremely fragile. Cantrips cannot duplicate other spell effects.


Clerics, druids and specialty priests can cast specific applications of the orison spell, which is presented in Players Option: Spells and Magic. Like a cantrip, it is a very basic divine effect, essentially a minor blessing. I'm adding a rule that an individual can only benefit from a specific orison effect once per day, because they're a little more powerful than cantrips.

Some of the specific effects presented in Spells & Magic I've listed below; other ones are possible too.

  • Alleviate: Relieve nausea and pain in a single creature, or allow another saving throw with a -2 penalty if it's magically induced.
  • Calm: Soothe a single creature that's been startled or frightened, or allow another saving throw with a -2 penalty if it's magical fear.
  • Clarity: The priest can speak free of mundane impediments like stuttering.
  • Courage: The priest gains a +1 to next attack roll.
  • Guidance: Priest gains a +1 bonus to solve a moral dilemma or puzzle.
  • Healing: Heal 1 point of damage by touch.
  • Memory: Commit to memory one item, gaining a later bonus to recall exact appearance, wording, or meaning.
  • Resistance to Magic: The priest gains a +1 bonus to next saving throw versus magic of any type in the next turn.
  • Resistance to Poison: The priest gains a +1 bonus to next saving throw versus poison in the next turn.


Party XP

XP: 95 (7 bakemono)

Player Notes

Use this space to record notes and such that you want to recall at a later time.


Dungeon Map


Use this space to keep track of time exploring.

  • 0 d: 00 h: 00 m : Awake in room with deva
  • 0 d: 00 h: 10 m : Exit room, search hallways
  • 0 d: 00 h: 20 m : Searched store rooms
  • 0 d: 00 h: 30 m : Fought bakemono
  • 0 d: 00 h: 40 m : Encounter with deep mold in furniture storeroom
  • 0 d: 00 h: 50 m : Current time