- Prevent Pregnancy/Sterility - The target is less likely to become pregnant (or to impregnate someone) the next time she (or he) has sex. No pregnancy roll for that person or people that have sex with that person.
- Promote Pregnancy/Virility - The target is more likely to become pregnant (or to impregnate someone) the next time she (or he) has sex. The pregnancy roll that year automatically is successful.
- End Pregnancy - A pregnant target will have a miscarriage. If the person wants it there is no saving roll. If it is an involuntary abortion then that person can roll the save roll.
- Safe Birth - The target is more likely to have a safe birth. The survival roll for the first year is automatic success.
- Arouse - You can cause feelings of sexual arousal. The Magical Viagra for men or women.
Life and Healing
- Heal Wounds - Target gains X hp per wound.
- Analyze Health - You can determine the health problems of the target, if any.
- Increase Healing - Healing rate is doubled for each week the person heals.
- Cure Poison - One level of poison is cured.
- Cure Disease - Cures one disease on target.
- Cure Blindness, Deafness, Paralysis - Cures one of the following, Blindness, Deafness, or Paralysis. If ailment has afflicted the target for longer than 24 hours Target gets harder to heal (-5 to target). If ailment is between 24 hours and less then a year target modifier is -10. If over a year the target modifier is -15.
- Darken - You can darken or otherwise obscure an area the size of a room (X*10) sq. ft. The target is 15 to change the lighting from regular to dim light, or from dim light to darkness. To change from regular light to darkness the target is 10. The to double the area the target is decreased to 10.
- Cloak of Shadows - The target add X to their Stealth.
- Sleep - The target feels very sleepy. This has little effect on those engaged in vigorous activity (like combat), but a guard sitting on a chair will fall asleep.
- Armor - You gain 2X Armor if you have no armor other then a shield or X armor if wearing any armor.
- Evasion - You Gain X Dodge
- Reactions - You Gain X Dexterity or X to you Awareness Skill which ever is more appropriate.
- Spirit Ward - You gain +X to all resist rolls when dealing with spirits and spirits do 2 dice less damage to you.
- Ceaseless Vigilance - You gain X Awareness and will not fall asleep while on guard duty by any means magical or natural.
- Safe Campsite - You can sense strong hostile emotions nearby and will wake up if they are present.
- Steadfast - You will pass all knock down rolls
- Find Way - You can sense the direction and approximate distance to someone or something.
- Divine Past - You can see what happened in the past at your current location.
- Visions - Duration is the time it takes to cast spell. You spend the casting time concentrating on a particular person, place, or object with a question in mind. Success means you know part of the answer to this question, the higher the spell roll, the more information is gained. With a fumble, you will "know" false answers to the question. If the object/person/place is not with you, take a -5 penalty to your roll.
- Language - The target of the spell can speak and understand all languages. If the target is literate, he may also read and write any language. This does not allow the target to understand coded messages.