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Some of these changes require the ship to be beached or docked but others can be undertaken at sea, albeit with a penalty to Shipwright of –4. Particularly difficult tasks also incur a bigger penalty to the crew’s Shipwright test. Each modification also consumes a certain amount of supplies.

If the Shipwright test fails, then the modification has gone wrong – either the task is impossible, or else an accident has occurred, smashing whatever items are being used and injuring 1D6 crew.

Aft Guns: This adds a cannon to the rear of the ship, which can be fired when the vessel is being pursued.

  • Requires: Whatever guns are being added, 1D4 days.
  • Consumes: 1 ton of supplies per gun
  • Shipwright Modifier: The difficulty of the Handiwork test varies depending on the size of the gun and how many aft guns the ship already has.
    • 9-pounder or smaller –0
    • 12/18-pounder –2
    • 24-pounder –5
    • 32/42-pounder –10
    • Per gun after the first –10

Bulwarks: Heavy wooden bulwarks and defensive fortifications can be added to a ship’s deck, to give extra protection against attack by muskets and small arms fire. Adding Bulwarks gives a –2 penalty to all Shiphandling tests. A ship with Bulwarks counts as having a +2 Hull for the purposes of protecting the crew against small arms fire.

  • Requires: 1D6 weeks
  • Consumes: 1 ton of supplies per ten feet length of the ship
  • Shipwright Modifier: +0

Copper Bottom: In the warm waters of the Caribbean, a ship can quickly become fouled with teredo beetles, barnacles, weeds and other growths and parasites that slow its speed. Adding copper plates to the underwater sections of the hull prevents the needs for careering.

  • Requires: Drydock, 3D6 weeks
  • Consumes: Copper plates, costing 100 silver per ton of capacity of the ship
  • Shipwright Modifier: +0

Chase Guns: Adding chase guns, on the front of the ship, works just like adding aft guns, with one important difference – the narrow prow of the ship has less space for extra armament, so the penalty to Shipwright tests is increased by +4.

Full Repairs: Full repairs restores 2D6 Structural Points per ton of supplies used.

  • Requires: 1 day
  • Consumes: Up to five tons of supplies
  • Shipwright Modifier: +0

Hidden Cargo Space: This modification creates a hidden compartment in the ship’s hold, where cargo can be hidden. It is often used by smugglers. Finding such a hidden space requires a Perception test opposed by the builder’s Shipwright.

  • Requires: 1D6 days
  • Consumes: One ton of supplies per ton of hiding space.
  • Shipwright Modifier: –4 if done at sea

Lighten Hull: By removing two cannon, 10% of the ship’s cargo space, or by reducing Hull Points by 5%, the crew make the ship lighter, reducing its draft by one foot and increasing its speed by 1 knot. This modification can be attempted multiple times but each time, the Shipwright test penalty doubles. This modification cannot be attempted if it would reduce the ship’s draft to 0.

  • Requires: 1D6 days
  • Consumes: 1D6 tones of supplies
  • Shipwright Modifier: –2

More Cannon: Adding more cannons to a ship can be done but there are two major restrictions. Firstly, heavy cannon will slow the ship down. Secondly, the extra recoil may damage the ship, or even cause it to capsize. For every eight 9-pounders or smaller, four 12/18-pounders, two 24-pounders or single 32/42-pounder added, then reduce the ship’s Movement by ½ knot. If the guns mounted are larger than normal, then a second Shipwright test must be made the first time the guns are fired. If this test fails, then the gun breaks free of its housing and deals 2D6 points of Structural Damage to the ship. If guns are larger than those commonly mounted on this ship –2 per size difference

  • Requires: Extra cannon, 1D4 days
  • Consumes: 1 ton of supplies
  • Shipwright Modifier:
    • 9-pounder or smaller –0
    • 12/18-pounder –1
    • 24-pounder –2
    • 32/42-pounder –5
    • Per gun after the first –4

More Cargo Space: By removing internal frames and cabin space, the crew allow the ship to cram in more cargo. The ship’s Hull Points are decreased by 5% to increase its capacity by an equal amount. A ship can add no more than 25% to its starting capacity.

  • Requires: One day.
  • Consumes: 1 ton of supplies
  • Shipwright Modifier: –2

More Sail: By adding more spars or even an extra mast, the crew attempt to increase the base speed of the vessel. The capacity of the ship is reduced by 10% or it suffers a –10% penalty to all Shiphandling tests but its speed is increased by 1 knot.

  • Requires: 1D6 days.
  • Consumes: 2D6 tons of supplies
  • Shipwright Modifier: -2

Reinforced Hull: By fortifying the ship for combat, even a merchant vessel can be made into a warship. The ship’s Hull rating total is increased by 20%.

  • Requires: 3D6 weeks.
  • Consumes: One ton of supplies per five Structure Points.
  • Shipwright Modifier: –2