Sylvia Aston
- [wiki]
Sylvia is pretty enough but for some reason she seems to usually fall into the chum/mate/sister category. She seems to be puzzled if a guy flirts with her and she seems more at home fiddling in her studio or perched on the edge of a table or sofa talking art than at a party. She's usually the person that gets called out to make up numbers or as a standby date when one is needed. However her own love life seems to be totally empty, she seems to have substituted creativity for love.
- Str 9 Dex 15 Int 17 Idea 85
- Con 13 App 14 Pow 11 Luck 55
- Siz 8 San 55 Edu 18 Know 90
- Drawing 65
- Sculpture 45
- Metalworking 65
- Woodworking 45
- Credit Rating 45
- Dodge 30
- Drive Auto 40
- Fast Talk 45
- First Aid 60
- History 60
- Library use 35
- Listen 50
- Mechanical Repair 40
- French 35
- English 90
- Photography 20
- Psychology 25
- Spot hidden 45
- Handgun 50
- shotgun 31
- Physical description Dark hair and grey eyes 5' 4" she's a healthy looking girl and her figure is unfashionably full.