Shandor the Peddlar, Magic-User
Shandor the Peddlar
Class: Magic-User
- Strength: 11
- Intelligence: 11
- Wisdom: 14
- Constitution: 12
- Dexterity: 13
- Charisma: 12
AC: HP: 6/6
Level: 2 XP Total: 4400 XP Needed:
Equipment: Encumbrance Total 3 carried by Shandor, 7 stone carried by Uva the donkey:
- Gear Carried
- Backpack (2 gp)
- Lantern (9gp) 1 stone
- Small sack (1sp) 1/3 stone
- Spellbook (blank) (15gp) 1/3 stone
- Hemp rope (50ft) (1gp) 1/3 stone
- Flint and steel (2gp)
- Thieving Tools (30gp) 1/3 stone
- Weapons
- Dagger (small weapon) (3gp) 1/3 stone
- Sling (2gp) (20 bullets) 1/3 stone
- Armor
- Cloak (5sp)
- Animal (and equipment carried by said animal)
- Uva, Donkey (8gp)
- Saddle bag (1sp) 1/3 stone
- Wine (common pint) (5sp) 1/3 stone
- Rations, preserved (8 days) (35sp) 1 stone
- 10 ft pole (2sp) 1 stone
- 4 Torches (2sp) 4/3 stone
- Bedroll (1 sp) 1 stone
- Winter blanket (5sp) 1 stone
- 3 Oil flasks (3sp) 1 stone
- Treasure & Coinage: 3GP
Class: Magic-User
Background & Description:
Shandor is a familiar face throughout the Duchy. Some people revile him as a liar and and a snakeskin oil salesman who fleeces the gold off their daughters with fake love potions. Others call him a thief, or a devil-worshiper. Maybe some of this, or even all of this is true. Shandor truly does love proving people wrong though, and more than once he's been known to drive out fell monsters from the scrublands behind a farm, or healing a midwife from vile possession.
Piercing, knowing dark eyes in a face lined by the years. His eyebrows are bushy, mostly black but salted with white, and a regal, aquiline nose. A goat-tee, also touched by whites, and a charming, rakish smile despite missing a tooth on the bottom row. Two copper loops as earrings on the right ear. Clad in commoners clothes and padded with simple leather armor, he drapes a once cerulean cloak over his shoulders, and he wears the hood up most of the time. Dark, oily but stylish hair hangs down to about his shoulders.
A long, curved dagger is fastened horizontally at the small of Shandor's back in a double-loop of hemp that acts as a belt.
Fighting Style: