Pathfinder Mercenary Contracts:Pavel

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Human Rogue M 1
Chaotic Neutral
5’ 65” 100lbs
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 10
Attack bonus: 0
Fort save: +2
Ref save:+4
Will save: +2
Armour bonus:
HP: 10
Base speed: 30ft
Init: +4
Language: Common,
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Acrobatics (Dex): +5
Bluff (Cha):+1
Perception (Wis): +3
Stealth: +5
Disable Device (Dex): +5
Sleight of hand (Dex): +5
Escape Artist (Dex): +5
Class Features: Sneak Attack +1d6, Trap finding
Equipment: Short Swords x 2, Leather Armor, Backpack, Grappling Hook, Rations x 4, Masterwork Thieves Tool,


Pathfinder Mercenary Company Pavel.jpg

For all of his life, this orphan boy just wished to join them. The knights of the sky were everything he yearned for. To gain his wings and be free. Sadly, the reality of those that lived on the ground hurt him for one last time. They monsters took everything from him: his family, his friends, his first love...

He grew up in the slums between lots of forgotten lives, stole everything he needed to survive, killed everyone he needed to survive, because that was the only thing left to him. Every breath he takes is made of spite toward everyone who's got more than him. He puts on a mask of a dashing rogue that seeks only the simple pleasures of life, because deep inside he knows there is nothing more to aspire or worth of fighting for. When he heard the news of the death of the Emperor he smiled at the tears of those that still loved him, because now an entire nation knows how it feels to be alone.

Still, he watches the skies above and the tiny hope of leaving this madness and horror below survives, only to get occasionally shushed by an easy life.