GURPS Advantages

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Revision as of 02:36, 11 May 2006 by Seanr451 (talk | contribs)
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Advantages for characters using the GURPS role-playing game system.

Common Sense

Anyone who actually allows / uses this advantage, please rewrite this article if your experience is substantially different from the following.

The Common Sense advantage seems largely useless, as an IQ roll to realize he's about to do something stupid is a courtesy that ought to be granted to any PC. The net effect of Common Sense is to penalize a character by 10 points for being played by an inexperienced, bad, or dumb player.

Counteropinion: My experience differs. You'd be ASTOUNDED at how often experienced gamers can get on the wrong track. Simply giving the players correct information doesn't work, it makes you the GM a railroading GM. Now if they have paid the points the characters are now entitled to that correction.

Call it pride on the players part. It's the difference between receiving an insurance check after a disaster and getting charity.