Grand Court of Amber
King- Random I, Son of Oberon
Queen- Vialle I,
Queen's Companions: Lady Carmel Urien Ladies in Waiting: lady Lucille Urien, Nadia Cavandish, Beth Cavandish
Crown Herald-Lord Allen Dormin
Chancellor of the Exchequer- Lord Aubry Du Motier
Steward of Amber-Lord Hymal Urien
Châtelaine- Dame Margot. Amber Mistress of Festivities.
Counsel to the Court of Amber. Lord William Roth
Random's Correspondence Secretary Lady Carly Castalwie. The person who answer's his Trump Calls. Often called Carly Dear..
Chief Minstrel to the court of Amber- Lady Marissa Mal at Riess
Minister of Arts and Science- Dame Cynchild Motius
Court Jester of Amber- Droppa Ma Pantz
Dukes of Amber: Cogswell Mal At Riess
Counts of Amber:
Baron or Earl of Amber: Dame Margot