GGG Character Katya

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* Katya Nikova (250/250 points)

Katya's mother was a former KGB assassin, who with the fall of the Soviet Union,
retired to a farm in the Ukraine to marry and raise her family. Knowing she
still may have enemies, she passed the skills she had learned on to her daughter
so that she could take care of herself if necessary. Three years ago, when Katya
was fifteen, her mother got a call from an old friend whom she said she had to
help out, and left, promising to be back soon, but she was not. Katya managed to
trace her to Checenya, where she fell in with the Rebels, fighting as part of
the feared "White Tights" snipers, the commander of whom seems to know something
about what may have happened to her mother...

** Stats

ST 11 {10}; DX 16 {120}; IQ 12 {40}; HT 11 {10}

** Secondary Characteristics

Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 12kg; HP 11; Will 12; Per 12; FP 11; Basic Speed 7.00 {5};
Basic Move 7.

** Advantages

- Craftiness 4 {20}
- Deadeye {1}
- Gunslinger (Two-Handed Guns Only, -40%) {15}
- Luck {15}
- Night Vision 8 {8}
- Tech-Wiz 2 {10}
- Style Familiarity: Sniper {1}
- $20.000 Extra Starting Cash {1}

** Disadvantages

- Duty (White Tights, Extremely Hazardous, 9-) {-10}
- Gullibility (12) {-10}
- Intolerance (Russians) {-5}
- Obsession (Find my Mother) (12) {-10}
- Reputation (Mythical Terror, -2, Russian Military) {-5}
- Sense of Duty (Team) {-5}
- Skinny {-5}

** Quirks

- FPS Gamer {-1}
- Winter Sports Fan {-1}
- Always Wears White {-1}
- Shameless Internet Pirate {-1}

** Skills

- Acrobatics (H) DX-2 {1} - 14
- Armoury (Small Arms) (A) IQ {2} - 12
- Camouflage (E) IQ+4 {1} [1] - 16
- Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 15
- Computer Hacking (VH) IQ+1 {4} [2] - 13
- Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 {1} [2] - 14
- Computer Programming (H) IQ {1} [2] - 12
- Cryptography (H) IQ+1 {2} [2] - 13
- Disguise (A) IQ+4 {2} [1] - 16
- Electronics Operation (Communications) (A) IQ+1 {1} [2] - 13
- Electronics Operation (Security) (A) IQ+2 {2} [2] - 14
- Electronics Repair (Communications) (A) IQ+1 {1} [2] - 13
- Forced Entry (E) DX {1} - 16
- Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+1 {1} - 17
- Guns (Rifle) (E) DX+2 {4} - 18
  - Precision Aiming sk-4 {2} - 10
- Guns (SMG) (E) DX+1 {1} - 17
- Holdout (A) IQ+4 {2} [1] - 16
- Judo (H) DX-1 {2} - 15
- Jumping (E) DX {1} - 16
- Karate (H) DX-1 {2} - 15
- Knife (E) DX {1} - 16
- Observation (A) Per {2} - 12
- Shadowing (A) IQ+4 {2} [1] - 16
- Smuggling (A) (A) IQ {2} - 12
- Stealth (A) DX+4 {2} [1] - 20
- Survival (Mountain) (A) Per {2} - 12
- Tracking (A) Per {2} - 12

[1] +4 from Craftiness
[2] +2 from Tech-Wiz

** Gear

The first loaded magazine for each gun is free.

*** Carried (9.9kg)

- Ordinary Clothing: Free, 1kg.
- SVD Sniper Rifle: With x4 scope. $900, 5kg.
- 2 spare magazines for sniper rifle: $72, 0.7kg.
- Makarov pistol: $250, 0.9kg.
- 2 spare magazines for pistol: $55, 0.3kg
- Concealable Vest: DR 12/5*, $1000, 1kg.
- Load-Bearing Vest: $30, 1kg.

*** Owned

- Used SUV: Guzzles gas but gets you places and goes off-road. $35K.
- Laptop Computer: -1 to skill for long tasks. Complexity 3. Runs for 5 hours.
  $2100, 1.25kg.
- Cheap Sattelite Phone/Modem: $500, 0.6kg.
- $93 in cash.

** Combat Stats

*** Attacks

- SVD sniper rifle (21/24+): 7d pi, RoF 3.
- Makarov Pistol (17): 2d pi, RoF 3.
- Karate Punch (15): 1d-2 cr.
- Karate Kick (13): 1d-1 cr.

*** Defenses:

- Dodge 11
- Parry (Karate): 11
- DR 12/5*