Callias Graecus
Callias Graecus aka Callias Cerritus
When he joined the stable, they called him "Callias the Greek", but lately they've started calling him "Callias the Frantic", because it's become obvious that he really does not want to die. One never quite knows what he'll do in the arena to win and survive. Management has considered putting him in apparent overmatches to see how he'll wriggle out of them.
Back before, Callias had what was shaping up to be a booming business as an astrologus—the crooked kind. His act played heavily upon semi-scholarly depictions of "hidden mysteries of Ancient Egypt" and "geometric secrets of the Pythagoreans", and he was making plans to expand into the trendy new field of "apocalyptic prophecies of the Hebrews," when he discovered that some people expect genuine horoscopes, and take them very seriously indeed. He got sent up for treason.
- STR: 14
- CON: 12
- SIZ: 13
- INT: 11
- POW: 07
- DEX: 06
- APP: 12
- EDU: 00
Weapon Styles
- +0 damage bonus
Skill points are EDUx20 and INTx10, and can be allotted to any skill. However, there is a skill cap of 80%. A PC with a 1d6 EDU has a 20 skill point Bonus. The bonus for 2d6 EDU is 5 skill points.
Skill bases percentages;
- Languages:
- Native: INTx5%
- Second: EDUx3%
- Third: EDUx2%
- Fourth: EDUx1%.
- Accounting: 10%
- Animal Handling 10%
- Art 05%
- Bargain: 05%
- Civics 10%
- Climb: 40%
- Conceal: 15%
- Craft
- (Craft default): 5%
- Dodge: DEX x2%
- Drive: 20%
- Empire: 25%
- Fast Talk: 05%
- First Aid: 30%
- Hide: 10%
- Insight: 5%
- Jump: 25%
- Library Use: 10%
- Listen: 25%
- Medicine: 1%
- Natural World: 10%
- Navigate: 10%
- Occult: 10%
- Other Kingdom: 1% (each kingdom is considered seperate)
- Other Language: (See top of list)
- Own Kingdom: 20%
- Own Language: (See top of list)
- Persuade: 15%
- Pilot Boat: 5%
- Potions: 01%
- Repair/Devise: 20%
- Ride: 20%
- Science: 01%
- Architecture:
- Astrology:
- Augury:
- Engineering:
- Geography
- Mathematics:
- Metallurgy:
- Sneak: 10%
- Spot Hidden: 25%
- Status: 05% (Fixed)
- Swim: 25%
- Throw: 25%
- Track: 10%
- Write Language: 10%
- Pilot Boat: 5%
- Potions: 01%
- Repair/Devise: 20%
- Ride: 20%
- Sneak: 25%
- Spot Hidden: 50%
- Status: 05%
- Swim: 25%
- Throw: 25%
- Track: 10%
- Write Language (Latin): 10%