
Real Name: Namor
First Historical Appearance: Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 (1939)
First Modern Appearance: Fantastic Four #4 (May, 1962)
Creator: Bill Everett
Capsule: The Sub-Mariner is a hybrid creature. His father was an ordinary human, Captain Leonard McKenzie, while his mother was Princess Fen of Atlantis. The Atlanteans are an offshoot of mankind adapted to undersea life. Prince Namor was raised as an Atlantean, despite being a mutant able to survive both at sea and on land, gifted with enormous strength, endurance, and the power of flight, and also possessing pink skin like the surface dwellers (ordinary Atlanteans are blue-skinned).
Extremely long-lived, the Sub-Mariner was active in the 1940s, when he defended his undersea realm against Nazi agression and even joined the Invaders, a group of American superheroes. After the end of the war, Namor spent several decades amnesic, wandering through New York City, after an attack by Paul Destine, a mentalist enemy of his. He was eventually discovered by the Fantastic Four and regained his memory.
Namor is basically a honorable, good-hearted man, but he is also arrogant, impetuous, easy to anger, and harbors a grudge against surface dwellers. He has fought both with and against superheroes such as the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and several others. His role as monarch of Atlantis has caused him to raise arms against mankind when he felt his realm was being threatened by surfacemen agression.
Sub-Mariner, PL 14
Str: 38 (+14), Dex: 18 (+4), Con: 38 (+14), Int: 12 (+1), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha: 16 (+3)
Skills: Diplomacy 3 (+6/+10), Handle Animal 5 (+8), Intimidate 6 (+9), Knowledge (civics) 4 (+5), Knowledge (earth sciences) 4 (+5), Knowledge (life sciences) 4 (+5), Knowledge (technology) 4 (+5), Notice 6 (+7), Pilot 2 (+6), Profession (monarch) 7 (+8), Sense Motive 5 (+6), Stealth 3 (+7), Survival 7 (+8), Swim 6 (+20)
Feats: Animal Empathy, Attractive, Benefit (Atlantean Prince), Endurance, Environmental Adaptation (underwater), Favored Environment (underwater) 4, Fearless, Improved Initiative, Inspire 2, Power Attack, Seize Initiative, Takedown Attack
- Flight 3 (50 MPH)
- Immunity 3 (Drowning, High Pressure, Intense Cold)
- Impervious Toughness 5
- Super-Strength 7 (Heavy Load: 400 tons)
- Swimming 5 (50 MPH)
Combat: Attack +10, Grapple +31, Damage +14 (unarmed), Defense +10 (+5 flat-footed), Knockback -10, Initiative +8
Saves: Toughness +14, Fortitude +14, Reflex +6, Will +9
Drawbacks: Power Loss (Flight, If ankle wings are restrained, -1), Weakness (Lack of Water, -1 on attack, defense, and checks, Once per Hour, and -1 on Str, Once per 20 min, -3), Weakness (Extreme Heat, Major, Once per Round, -7)
Abilities 75 + Skills 17 (66 ranks)+ Feats 16 + Powers 33 + Combat 40 + Saves 10 - Drawbacks 11 = Total 180
Complications: Enemy (Attuma, Krang, other pretenders to the Atlantean throne), Honor, Prejudice, Reputation (Unstable Superhuman), Responsibility (Monarch), Temper
Notes: Namor is an aquatic version of the Paragon archetype and his powers are very straightforward. He is PL 12 when on dry land though, his full fighting strength only manifesting itself when underwater.
The Sub-Mariner has very infrequently displayed the power to control undersea creatures and to mimic their animal abilities. Those may be Power Stunts if the GM allows.