Talk:HorizonVirtual:The Waker Dictionary

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Project Wish List

  • General terms used by Wakers.
  • Waker Slang.


trey_palmer of the horizonvirtual Yahoo! Group provides the following resources for computer terms:

--IMAGinES 17:16, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Specific Ideas


I also like the idea of using the term kernel to refer to a waker's soul.

--IMAGinES 16:25, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Igtenio, however, has used the term as a direct replacement for "hit points", which does seem like a better idea.

--IMAGinES 19:08, 12 Jun 2005 (PDT)


Here's a possible slang term: Phishing. As defined, it would seem an ideal match for a waker con game; so maybe a phisher is a Program Space con-artist. --IMAGinES 16:04, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Undead = Corrupt Files?

Terminal and Restored have been added to the dictionary as replacements for zombie and undead respectively, but they're both a little generic and misleading; "terminal" is more commonly used in computing terms to refer to "dumb terminals" or emulator sessions, which to my mind are closer to communication spells/rewrites.

Igtenio and I both came up with "corrupted" independently as a replacement for "undead". Again, it still sounds a little more generic, but it's a more close match for the actual use of the term.

Also, Restored sounds more like the result of a "Resurrection"-style rewrite. Maybe a Corrupted Restore would be better for undead, with Restore just being used for any waker brought back to life?

--IMAGinES 19:30, 18 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Other Ideas for Slang

  • Applet - teasing/derogatory term for a Bantam or maybe a dreamer?
  • Form Factor?
  • Nybble: See Applet.
  • Pinging also just has to be in there somewhere.
  • Raw and Cooked Data?
  • Readme, as in "Oh, come on, waker! Do you need a readme for this? It's easy!" (Probably doesn't work, as only wakers with the programmer class can read anyway.)
  • Safe Mode?

--IMAGinES 16:19, 10 Jun 2005 (PDT)

  • Aliased – jagged or serrated
  • Anti-aliased: visually smooth; often used as a simile (“You’ve got some anti-aliased moves there, waker.”)
  • Alpha/Beta/Gold: phases of developing an idea or plan; often used as epithets (“Pro’ never seems to get his mind beyond alpha.”)
  • Defragment, -ation: Organise; tidy; bring order to chaos.
  • Fragmentation: Entropy; discord; untidiness; sloppiness of maintenance.
  • Pixels:

--IMAGinES 19:05, 12 Jun 2005 (PDT)

Bad Sector needs to be in somewhere.

--IMAGinES 19:44, 18 Jun 2005 (PDT)