Tyche's Favourites/Play
Chapter 6: Adventures
Time and Wilderness Movement (p93)
Remounts - if the party has two mounts per character (including henchmen/hirelings), they may move at double the long-distance movement rates shown. This is double the speed of the slowest mount in the group. If the party has three mounts per character, they may move at 2.5 times long-distance rates. If the party has four or more mounts per character, they may move at triple the long-distance rates.
Design note: It's not often considered in dungeon-based games, but if you have more than one mount (which you should; you don't ride your warhorse for general travel, and you don't use a riding horse in battle) you can travel much faster than if you're keeping one mount relatively fresh.
Sea Vessels (p95)
Apply the following amendments: Galley, large: Sailors: 10, Marines: 15 Galley, small: Sailors: 5, Marines: 5 Galley, war renamed to Galley, pentere.
Add Galley, medium: Sailors: 5, Rowers: 120, Marines: 10. Ft per Round: 60’/135’, Mi per Day 90/55. Cargo: 3000 stone. AC 1. Shp: 80-105. Cost: 20,000gp (100,000dr) Galley, tetrere: Sailors: 15, Rowers: 230, Marines: 30. Ft per Round 50’/120’, Mi per Day 75/50. Cargo: 5000 stone. AC 2. Shp 115-140. Cost: 45,000gp (225,000dr)
Design note: The ships listed broadly fit for the period, though most have far too many marines as standard. Space and weight were at a premium, and too many non-essential bodies aboard threatened the seaworthiness of the ship. I also needed to separate two of the most common war galleys, fours and fives from each other, and add a new category of medium galley.
Initiative (p100)
Add Dexterity and Wisdom bonuses/penalties to 1d6. Roll at the start of an encounter.
Design note: I'm giving characters with good Wisdom something here. Plus rolling every turn would slow things down too much.
How to attack (p102)
On an roll of 1, roll d20 on the mishap table. If using a spear, polearm or javelin, take -4 to the roll.
Roll | Effect |
1 | Weapon breaks |
2-5 | Sunder attack on weapon; Reflex save to avoid breaking. |
6-7 | Disarm; Reflex save to avoid losing your weapon. |
8-9 | Slip; Reflex save to avoid falling prone. |
10+ | Nothing additional |
Design note: Weapon breakage/loss is a thematically appropriate thing to happen, so here it might do 2.5% of the time.
Missile Attacks (p103)
The table is amended as follows.
Weapon | Short Range (0) | Medium Range (-2) | Long Range (-5) |
Javelin | Up to 40' | up to 80' | up to 120' |
Sling | Up to 50' | up to 100' | up to 200' |
Spear | Up to 15' | up to 30' | up to 45' |
Design note: Once again, two weapons criminally undervalued by D&D, made more appropriate to the period. Furthermore, a fighting spear really wasn't suitable for throwing.
Effects of Damage (p104)
Record your Bloodied value underneath your hit points; this is equal to one half of your full hit points. The first half of your hitpoints represent brusing, minor fatigue, minor cuts and grazes. Drop into the second half (Bloodied) and you're into major fatigue, heavier brusing, more serious cuts, muscle pulls and so on, which give a -1 to hit, Proficiencies and saves and movement is reduced by 30'.
Hit zero (or up to negative your Constitution score) and you're in danger of going unconscious, having to make a Fort (Poison and Death) save every round to stay with it. Even then you're at a -2 to hit, Proficiencies and saves, and movement reduced by 60'. Go below negative your Constitution and you're automatically unconscious (and we get into Mortal Wounds).
Healing (p105)
Natural healing is equal to your level in hp per day. This is halved if a character is Bloodied (once you are above ½ maximum you return to the normal rate). This is doubled if under the care of someone with the Healing Proficiency.
Design note: Dual-pronged change here. One turning hit points into actual measure of health - though you aren't meaningfully injured until you get to 0, and improving natural healing rates unless you've dropped into incapacitated.
I still need to think about healing rates for incapacitated characters, who have actual injuries rather than cuts and bruises.
Saving Throw Categories (p108)
Only three saving throws are used, translated as follows:
- Petrification & Paralysis becomes Reflex. In certain circumstances, apply your Dexterity bonus/penalty to the roll.
- Poison & Death becomes Fortitude. In certain circumstances, apply your Constitution bonus/penalty to the roll.
- Staffs & Wands becomes Will. In certain circumstances, apply your Wisdom bonus/penalty to the roll.
Design note: My group much prefers the simpler three-save approach of D20, which is what we've done here.
Sunder (p109)
There is only a -2 penalty to sunder javelins, which suffer a -6 penalty to their save against breaking.
Design note: What javelins have gained in range, they've lost in durability.
Mounted Attacks (p112)
If hit by a mounted charge, fixed spear, or struck with a natural 20, a mounted character must make a Reflex save to avoid being unhorsed, taking 1d6 damage in the process. Knock Down attacks against mounted characters are treated the same way. Characters with the Riding Proficiency get a +2 bonus to this roll.
Design note: Simple addition here, it didn't feel like the standard rules had really considered how a character might be involuntarily unhorsed.
Experience (p113)
No award or tracking of experience points (XP). All classes have had their XP tables equalised by addition of class features, and instead we progress levels by achievement of Milestones. These act as prompts for things the players should be doing, and when the group collects enough of them, the PCs all gain a level. For more details, see Milestones.
Design note: This is still a work in progress, my group are happy to ditch tracking experience points, but instead we'll have a milestone system.