NYSRPG:Main Page
NYSRPG (Not Your Standard Role Playing Game), or just nys for short, is an rpg system under development.
Nys is heavily based on D&D, GURPS and Daemon.
Golden Rules
During nys development I will follow these 4 Golden Rules:
- The Rule of Fun. The system cannot impose rules that decreases the fun of the game.
- The Rule of Simplicity. The rules must be as simple as possible.
- The Rule of Fantasy. The system must be good simulating a low/medium fantasy setting.
- The Rule of Generality. The system must offer to the players as many options as possible, both in character creation and during the game session.
Main Concepts
Each concept is discussed separately in it's own article.
Challenges are the obstacles characters must overcome to progress in the game.
Rolls are ability tests that include randomness.
Attributes are immutable traits of a character.
Abilities are everything that the character knows and the things he/she can do.
Magic is everything that causes supernatural effects, nys, being a fantasy RPG, have rules for creating your own magic schools and spells.
Check the changelog for recent additions and future changes.
Post any sugestions here.