Hune the Fat
A character in the Companions of Imladril B/X Campaign.
Hune the Fat[edit]
- Neutral Magic-User 4
- XP: 12668/20000
- Backstory: Hune worked his entire life as a merchant, dreaming of becoming an adventurer. Now he has his chance.
- STR 7
- INT 12
- WIS 7
- DEX 6
- CON 10
- CHA 11
- HP: 8/8
- AC: 9
- Attack: Dagger Thaco 20 1d4-1
- Movement: 120'
- Treasure-bearing movement: 90'
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison 13
- Magic Wands 14
- Paralysation or Petrification 13
- Dragon Breath 16
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 15
Class Abilities[edit]
- 1st Level Spells (2/day)
- Known: all.
- Charm, Charm
- 2nd Level Spells (2/day)
- Known: Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, Web
- Phantasmal Force, Invisbility
- 9pp
- Dagger
- Silver Dagger
- Backpack
- 3 weeks iron rations
- Rope 50'
- Large Sack (3)
- Spellbook
- Lantern & 5 flasks oil
- Flint & Steel
- Hammer & Spikes
- Waterskin
- Wolfsbane
- Continual Light Ring
- Warhorse, saddle, saddlebags