Morgrave High: Classes

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Special Instructor Koulton Brightwind[edit]

Basic Aeronautics: An exhaustive six week course teaching the essential skills necessary to navigate and fly an airship.

You are considered qualified to pilot an airship. You gain a +2 bonus to checks made to navigate while on a ship, or to checks made to cause a ship to go faster.

Special Instructor Dembra Crestfallen[edit]

Art 100000001: Drawing From Life: Morgrave University is pleased to announce the temporary addition to the faculty of Dembra Crestfallen, professor emerita on loan from the Courts of Thelanis.

Dembra's completely unorthodox semiotic and pharmocological techniques unlock your inner artist. You gain an eidetic visual memory and can recreate scenes you have witnessed in brilliant detail. If this adventuring deal doesn't work out, you can get a decent living as a portrait painter.

Grace Shadar[edit]

  • Community Leadership Training: This class provides a broad overview in the field of social work and teaches the skills and professional habits required to manage social welfare programs. Features: hands on experience with various community welfare programs. Moira, Nicodemus, Raven, Ella

You gain +2 to rolls made to attempt to grant aid using the Aid Another action. Also, you gain the use of this ability: (free, daily) You grant +4 instead of +2 when using the Aid Another action.

  • Applied Theurgy: Provides an in depth study of the underlying theories behind the practice of channeled divine magics. Nicodemus, Raven, Ella, Drago

Any time you use a power to deal Radiant damage to a target that has Vulnerability to Radiant damage, you deal 2 extra damage and may push the target one square (or one extra square if the power allows you to push the target).

  • Supernatural Lexicons: This course delves into the study of the languages of the inhabitants of Siberys and Khyber, and also briefly explores the nature of Words of Power. Raven, Ella

You can read and write, but not speak, Supernal and Abyssal

  • Healing-craft: This class teaches advanced techniques in practical field medicine. Moira, Nicodemus

You may use the First Aid functions of the Heal skill as a minor action instead of a standard action.

  • Religions of Xendrik: Professor Shadar will examine the root philosophical and mythological beliefs of the native cultures of the Dark Continent: drow and giants.

You can speak Giant and read High Giant, the hieroglyphic language of the ancient Giant empire. Also, you get +2 to Religion or history checks concerning Xen'drik.

Malina Bordain[edit]

  • Obscure Languages: A crash course immersive study of a single language. Sandovish, Enrico, Ella, Kell-y, The Twins

Gain the ability to read, speak, and write one language (Excludes Supernal and Abyssal).

  • Planar Phenomenon (The Dragon Below): Broad overview of the planar makeup of Fernia, Risia, and Kythri. Jox, Raven, Sandovish

When you spend an action point to gain an extra action, choose acid, fire, lightning, cold, or thunder damage: you gain Resist 5 to that type of damage until the end of the encounter.

  • Litany of the Pattern (The Art of Dragonmarks): This course is an ahistorical overview of dragon marks, their arcanic makeup, and the fundamental practices that let the Dragonmarked Houses revolutionize the way magic is practiced in Khorvaire. Vailea, Alishia, Enrico, Kell-y, The Purse, Katya

(daily) Once per day, when performing a ritual you know with a component cost of 100gp (+10Gp per character level) or less, you may perform that ritual without expending any components. This does not apply to rituals to create permanent effects, like Enchant Magic Item.

  • Old World Studies (A Beginner’s guide to Xendrik): Covering the early history, art, and culture of the ancient Empire of Giants. Renaya, Vailea, Alishia, Xali, Raven

(daily, free action) You may reroll one Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, or Religion check made to gain knowledge, and take either result.

  • "It Is You Who Are the Monster": Special topics in Anthropology, feat. Guest Speakers Akris and Sirka: This class will explore the trials, tribulations, and conceptual boundaries of life as a member of a "monster" race.

(daily, free action) Once per encounter, when making a Diplomacy, Bluff, or Insight check against a monster or a member of a non-dragonmarked race, you may reroll and take the better result.

Hakar Sharaat[edit]

  • Unorthodox Combat Techniques: A practical, rough and tumble course that teaches the art of street brawling and dirty fighting. Vailea, Alishia, Xali, Quillian, Shalla, The Twins, Katya, Idun

When you spend an action point to gain an extra action, you gain +1 to all attack rolls until the end of your turn.

  • Strength Training: Weight lifting, core cardio, and other acts of extreme exertion. Owen, Nicodemus, Quillian, Valion, Shalla, Drago

+2 to strength checks to break objects, bull rush, and grab; and to Athletics checks to escape grabs and immobilizing effects.

  • Rooftop Obstacle Evasion: This unique course teaches the Sharnish practice of Tol’dren, or competitive roof-running. Students will have to sign a waiver absolving Morgrave of any responsibility in the event of injury. Jox, Alishia, Xali, Moira, Owen, Valion, Sandovish, Artemis

Gain the Steady Feet feat: ignore one square of difficult terrain when using the walk action.

  • Close Quarters Combat: A basic refresher on the fundamentals of melee combat. Jox, Alishia, Owen, Quillian, Valion, Sandovish, Shalla, Drago

+2 to damage rolls on Opportunity Attacks

  • Practical Armor Training: This course teaches various techniques to ease the discomfort caused by the wearing of heavy armors. Kell-y, Drago, Idun

You no longer suffer armor check penalties to Strength skills

  • Combat Acupuncture: This hands on seminar will teach the rudiments of pressure points, chi, and the body's natural chakras, and their uses in both healing and the arts martial.

Choose either

When you use your Second Wind or use the Heal skill to allow someone else to use their Second Wind, target gains an additional 3 + 1/2 level hit points.


Once per encounter, when you deal a critical hit to a living enemy, you deal 3 + 1/2 level ongoing damage (save ends).


  • Underground Survival Training: Dr. Stypic expands on his theories regarding the funamental similarities between subterranean and superterranean flora and fauna. Owen, Valion, The Twins

You can use the Nature skill to Forage underground (or the Dungeoneering skill to Forage aboveground)

  • Mythobiology: An overview of unusual creatures from legend and lore. Renaya, Artemis, Enrico

Gain a +5 item bonus to identify creatures using one of the following skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, or Religion.

  • Antivenin preparation: The theory behind various alchemical treatments that respond to the more corrosive kinds of poisons throughout Khorvaire and beyond. Shalla, The Twins

+3 to saving throws against poison. (minor, encounter) you can grant this bonus to one adjacent ally until the end of the encounter.

  • Constructive Engineering: This class teaches the basics of building and brewing various alchemical and explosive devices. Students will have to sign a waiver absolving Morgrave of any responsibility in the event of injury. Renaya, Sarah

You gain the Alchemist feat.

  • Eating the Inedible: This class, taught by the only faculty member without extant taste buds, will teach you to discover foods and drinks in the harshest and most improbable of locales.

You get +3 to saves vs. Poison, and you need never roll to forage for food for yourself in any location where provisioning is at all plausible.


  • Basic Arcana: A refresher in the basics of rote magic. Vailea, Quillian, Enrico, The Purse, Katya, Idun

(Requires Arcane class) You permanently gain one of the following cantrips: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, or Prestidigitation.

  • High Arcana: This course is an in depth study in the art of ritual magic. Includes component preparation, evaluation of mental foci, and geomatrix circle drawing. Sarah, The Purse

(Requires Ritual Training) Gain the Expert Ritualist feat: +2 to to Ritual checks

  • Applied Elemental Dynamics: A course exploring the ties between elemental magics and their respective planes. Emphasis on hands on experimentation and planar micro-channeling. Vailea, Moira, Ella, The Purse, Katya, Idun

Select an energy type: (fire, cold, lighting, thunder, etc.) Choose two powers that deal a different energy type. As a free action, you may have those powers deal the chosen energy type instead.

  • Arcanic Resonance Systems: This class teaches students about the fundamental architecture of thaumic structures: spell-building, essence layering, and item enchantment. Sarah, The Purse

+3 to Arcana checks to Detect Magic

  • Remedial Calculus for Poets: You are Stupid and Deserve to Feel Ashamed: The illustrious Dr. Shusane has agreed to teach this elementary mathematics class for students experiencing difficulty with traditional mathematics. Reminder: you must complete at least one mathematics credit in order to receive a degree.

You gain Resist 3 Psychic, or increase your existing natural psychic resistance by 3. You no longer fear death.

Accio Farris[edit]

  • Advanced Trapspotting: Professor Farris teaches the basic trap methodologies used in Dhakaani and Xendrik ruins, including the 18 pressure plate typologies. Renaya, Xali, Moira, Nicodemus, Sarah, Sandovish, Artemis, The Twins

(free, daily) reroll one perception check and take the best result.

  • Deconstructive Engineering: A course teaching the essential knowledge necessary to disarm traps, hazards, and artificial constructs under time-sensitive conditions. Renaya, Sarah, Artemis, Katya

(free, daily) reroll one Thievery check and take the best result.

  • Life Skills and Home Economics: This class provides a broad overview of miscellaneous skills and habits to increase a student’s chances of surviving in wilderness and urban settings. Jox, Xali, Owen, Valion, Kell-y, Shalla,Drago

You can learn Martial Practices as if you had the Practiced Study feat (Martial Power 2).

  • Small Unit Tactics: In the course the students will be divided into teams and reenact historical combats from important skirmishes throughout the ages. Jox, Quillian, Artemis, Enrico, Kell-y, Idun

(minor, encounter) Until the end of your next turn, when you grant Combat Advantage, your enemies do not receive +2 to their attack rolls to hit you. You still grant combat advantage.

  • Explosionology: This class is an exhaustive, in depth look at the wide array of accelerants, fuels, and aggressively exothermic compounds encountered in day to day life.

You get +2 to saves vs. ongoing fire damage. As well, you gain the following power:

Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions
...they walk slowly away.
Encounter, Free action
Trigger: A trap or device attack targets you but misses or inflicts no damage.
Effect: Shift one square.