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|                   Author: RuningScarred241                                 |
|                   Began: July 14, 2013                                     |
|                   Completed:                                               |

O== Table of Contents ==O

Hey, so each section of this FAQ is going to have a little tag next to it in 
brackets to help you navigate. Just use your Ctl+F to hop around. If you can't
handle that, maybe this isn't the game for you, huh?

1. Overview............................................................[SB010]
2. Controls............................................................[SB020]
3. Walkthrough
   a) Installation.....................................................[SB031]
4. Sidequests
5. Inventory
6. Characters
7. Credits.............................................................[SB070]

0== [SB010] Overview ==0

Ok, so this game is all kinds of weird, right?

Like, the box says it's "the most immersive game ever" and "you'll never want 
to play a different game again". I dunno, man.

It doesn't even have a single-player mode! 

Seriously. We are talking co-op only here. The box says the game runs 2-9 
players. Which is great, but you gotta have them all! So what happens if a 
player is busy? Who knows. Box doesn't say. But you can't switch out players 
(unless you uninstall your game and start from scratch, I guess) so find some 
good folks to play with, is all I'm saying. 

Also there is no instruction booklet, which for a game that's as complicated 
as this one is shaping up to be is a horrible oversight. 

0== [SB020] Controls ==0

Okay, so as near as I can tell you've got two sets of controls for this game.
You can mess around on your computer putting virtual stuff in your buddy's
house, or you can run around your house interacting with the stuff. 

If you're running around, you don't need controls. Just do stuff. 

0== [SB031] Walkthrough: Installaion ==0

Step one: Get a copy of the game disc. Then you have to get one or more of 
your friends to get a copy of the game disc, because installing the damn 
game doesn't do anything unless you're playing with someone else. Figure out
how many players you want in advance, by the way. Once you finish linking
things up, you can't add anyone else. 

(To Be Continued Once My Dumbass Friend Comes Back And Installs His Dumbass
Copy Of The Game)

0== [SB070] Credits

This guide couldn't have happened without my dumbass friend Juju71. 

Feel free to share it around, but hey, don't strip the header. Or I will find