Regor is a niche of the Amber shadows with millions and millions of Shadow Viels. It is ruled by the House of Regor.
The tale of the House Regor is complicated and extensive. The vast amounts of warfare of the region of Regor is a tale of years. The realm is based of a primal artifact thought its presence is not a public one and its location is a secret. The bloodline of Regor is immortal and dynamic in the same fashion as Amberites. A form of sorcery exists in Regor similar to Amber Sorcery.
Genealogy of Regor. The Founder of the Line of Regor was Mihael of Regor and his two wives Eudoxia & Maria. The son of Mihael & Eudoxia was Alexis I who would father 13 bloodthirsty children who fought bloody wars among themselves for 500 years over the succession to throne of Regor. The Eldest, Ivan Borna, and his younger brother Fyodor contested over the bloody centuries and traded off the throne repeatedly. Eventually both the Borna and Regor Lines bled themselves out and Ivan and Fyodor's half brother Mydoris Zhenya took the runied realm's throne to rebuild it and the Regor line.