The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose: Our Nightmare Ordeal!

Return to The Stars Are Right: The Irish Rose.
Frank Lovejoy, Staff Writer
Following the daring midnight raid on a Macomb County farmhouse (reported EXCLUSIVELY in the Tuesday edition of the Detroit Evening Times), the two rescued children were taken by Dr. Gregory Parkhurst to an undisclosed location where they could heal among the familiar sights and sounds of the community from which they had been so violently ripped eleven months before. While the good doctor was understandably concerned about exposing his young charges to further strain and worry, he did allow them to meet with The Times for a short interview regarding their harrowing experience.
Jason, nine, and Olivia, ten, seem little the worse for wear, though a shadow fell over them several times during the course of our conversation, leaving them sad, silent and wan. Though clearly not related, they bear the mark of their infection, with the bright, gemlike eyes and delicate elfin beauty of the necrophagic. Though braver than adults thrice their age, they both insisted on being held while being interviewed, and so this is one of the few interviews this reporter has conducted with someone seated on his lap. Olivia did most of the talking; Jason, whether due to lingering trauma or natural reticence, remained silent.
Neither child was able to identify the people who first abducted them, but it is clear that the Purple Gang is but the latest in a chain of slavers stretching from Egypt to Los Angeles, doubtless tapped for their expertise in smuggling contraband across the Canadian border. Whether they masterminded the abduction, or were merely dupes of some unknown international cabal, they remain a dark stain on Detroit’s reputation. We have been willing, if not happy, to turn a blind eye to their violations of the Volstead Act; we have even joined with the police in washing our hands of the occasional assault on gangs from Chicago and points south. At the smuggling of children, however, we must rebel. Will this be the outrage that finally compels Mayor Murphy, Chief Hart and the Detroit Police Department to take action? Citizens of Detroit, let your voices be heard! Write to the mayor and police chief, care of Box 13, and tell them to take our city and children back from the hijackers and slavers that have almost swallowed it whole!
Don’t miss tomorrow’s EXCLUSIVE interview with Gregory Parkhurst!