Forgotten Freedom:12

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( The bank job has gone down without a hitch, now they all stand within the Vault, before Sa'vor floats a black gauntlet, a red symbol glows upon its palm and its armored plates are lined with platinum)

Sa'vor: okay, we'll begin to load all the gold ( the crew stands still ) ( Naz'roth Oh crap, they've got ninjas with exorcism gear!!! Sa'vor: that means we're screwed right? Naz'roth yes, if I was possessing you Sa'vor: but wont this exorcism stuff really really hurt? Naz'roth yes, and if we're unlucky we'll both wind up in that crystal prison I was trapped in and fuse into one being Sa'vor: oh !!!!! ) Sa'vor: you guys are going to betray me right? ( the rest of the crew nods) Sa'vor: damn, I really liked you guys as well, you where evil after my own heart, but I suppose I’m going to end up being beaten, since that keels proberly got a lock on me with his nuke spell. ah well, looks like its plan B. ( Sa'vor raises his arm and the thundering voice of Naz'roth calls out of his mouth in demonic: Arise my minions, Breath the air of Eberron once more, break your bonds with kyber our master and prison, bring with you the fires of damnation, march apron the surface as the raging fires, arise from your fell graves! ARISE!) ( the very ground cracks and splinters, from rises Fiends of all types, Undead bolster their ranks their forms encased in ancient black amour, swords of black flame in their hands) Naz'roth : I was hoping to leave you all alive, as my brothers in arms, to rule this plane, but now since your so intent on stopping me I’ll have to kill you all ! ( Sa'vors form becomes more muscular, his skin turns black and violet fire emits from his eyes, black scaly wings stretch from his back, his hands become claws, his fangs elongate, his face turns from its once handsome form to feral and bestial, he grows to be almost eight feet tall. Black amour like that of all his deamons with a huge ruby in the center, his draconic nature shows more than ever) Naz'roth : Behold my true form, Naz'roth of black, naz'roth of all colors, when merged with Sa'vor I have emulated his draconic side, now enhancing it beyond all draconic power, I am one, I am many ! ( many colored scales now cover his arms) ( the battle now begins, the crew charges forwards recalling the tougher members of the crew to increase their numbers, the captain moves faster than ever seen his blade slaying many a demonic foe, Dooj's club crushes many a skull beneath its might) ( the Ninja's and Sa'vor/ Naz'roth duke it out, blasts of arcane and divine magic cutting down many of the Ninja's before they attack, Naz'roths dual kamas strike against all foes that come near in a whirlwind of destruction) Dooj: how can we beat that?

Jarlot: hopefully we can get to the gauntlet first, that Ninja goblin could come in useful ( hacks down a demon) it feels weird to be sober though, ( skewers another) like tingling in my veins

Dooj: well, thats the lack of drink talking ( parries undeads blow) ( small explosion and pholly falls into the vault from the ceiling) Devon: ( is lying prone in a corner having cut his own finger with his sword) I thought you where dead?

Pholly ( pulls himself to his feet) no, not yet, but I finally made alchemists fire! again ( the crew and demons stop fighting and back away) ( pholly drops the vial) Sa'vor: oh ! ( huge explosion knocking every one off their feet and slaying many demons) the gauntlet lands in Sa'vors lap Naz'roth : Finally! ( puts on the gauntlet) Naz'roth : ( begins incantation) wait, ( looks at the label) " made in sarlona" this isn’t the really gauntlet, its a fake! there was no gauntlet here!! Dooj: wait, did we do that?

Kithle: no, obviously someone has already stole the gauntlet, but who?

Devon: ow, my finger, it bleeds, MEDIC!

Naz'roth : ALL OF THIS WAS FOR NOTHING !!! ALL THAT PLANNING, YEARS AND YEARS OF IT AND THEY MADE A REPLICA OF THE GAUNTLET OF NAZ'ROTH!!!, THOSE SARLONANS WILL PAY DEARLY FOR THIER THEFT, I SHALL GAIN WHAT IS MINE( all the demons and undead remaining vanish in a puff of black smoke) Sa'vor: captain Jarlot, you have been a worthy adversary, as have you all, I look forwards to the next time we meet ( bows and vanishes)

Kantash: do you think he has a chance against the sarlonans?

Jarlot: maybe

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